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Journal Article
Kadewa W.W, Knops G., Pidou M., Jeffrey P., Jefferson B., Le Corre K.S.  2020.  What is the impact of personal care products selection on greywater characteristics and reuse? Science of The Total Environment. 749:7.
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Zhang J.W, Feng Y.Z, Maestre F.T, Berdugo M., Wang J.T, Coleine C., Saez-Sandino T., Garcia-Velazquez L., Singh B.K, Delgado-Baquerizo M..  2023.  Water availability creates global thresholds in multidimensional soil biodiversity and functions. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 7:1002-+.
Tresch S., Moretti M., Le Bayon R.C, Mader P., Zanetta A., Frey D., Stehle B., Kuhn A., Munyangabe A., Fliessbach A..  2018.  Urban Soil Quality Assessment-A Comprehensive Case Study Dataset of Urban Garden Soils. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 6:5.
Romdhane S., Spor A., Aubert J., Bru D., Breuil M.C, Hallin S., Mounier A., Ouadah S., Tsiknia M., Philippot L..  2022.  Unraveling negative biotic interactions determining soil microbial community assembly and functioning. Isme Journal. 16:296-306.
Bonner M.TL, Allen D.E, Brackin R., Smith T.E, Lewis T., Shoo L.P, Schmidt S..  2020.  Tropical Rainforest Restoration Plantations Are Slow to Restore the Soil Biological and Organic Carbon Characteristics of Old Growth Rainforest. Microbial Ecology. 79:432-442.
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Guillot E., Bertrand I., Rumpel C., Gomez C., Arnal D., Abadie J., Hinsinger P..  2021.  Spatial heterogeneity of soil quality within a Mediterranean alley cropping agroforestry system: Comparison with a monocropping system. European Journal of Soil Biology. 105:10.
Ma J.W, Lin H., Sun W.C, Wang Q., Yu Q.G, Zhao Y.H, Fu J.R.  2014.  Soil microbial systems respond differentially to tetracycline, sulfamonomethoxine, and ciprofloxacin entering soil under pot experimental conditions alone and in combination. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 21:7436-7448.
Dacal M., Bradford M.A, Plaza C., Maestre F.T, Garcia-Palacios P..  2019.  Soil microbial respiration adapts to ambient temperature in global drylands. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 3:232-+.
Diakhate S., Gueye M., Chevallier T., Diallo N.H, Assigbetse K., Abadie J., Diouf M., Masse D., Sembene M., Ndour Y.B et al..  2016.  Soil microbial functional capacity and diversity in a millet-shrub intercropping system of semi-arid Senegal. Journal of Arid Environments. 129:71-79.
Bernhardt L.T, Smith R.G, Grandy A.S, Mackay J.E, Warren N.D, Geyer K.M, Ernakovich J.G.  2022.  Soil microbial communities vary in composition and functional strategy across soil aggregate size class regardless of tillage. Elementa-Science of the Anthropocene. 10:19.
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Rincon-Florez V.A, Carvalhais L.C, Dang Y.P, Crawford M.H, Schenk P.M, Dennis P.G.  2020.  Significant effects on soil microbial communities were not detected after strategic tillage following 44 years of conventional or no-tillage management. Pedobiologia. 80:8.
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Peerawat M., Blaud A., Trap J., Chevallier T., Alonso P., Gay F., Thaler P., Spor A., Sebag D., Choosai C. et al..  2018.  Rubber plantation ageing controls soil biodiversity after land conversion from cassava. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 257:92-102.
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Yates C.F, Trexler R.V, Bonet I., King W.L, Hockett K.L, Bell T.H.  2022.  Rapid niche shifts in bacteria following conditioning in novel soil environments. Functional Ecology. 36:3085-3095.
Avalos M., Garbeva P., Raaijmakers J.M, van Wezel G.P.  2020.  Production of ammonia as a low-cost and long-distance antibiotic strategy by Streptomyces species. Isme Journal. 14:569-583.