Title | Rapid niche shifts in bacteria following conditioning in novel soil environments |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2022 |
Authors | Yates C.F, Trexler R.V, Bonet I., King W.L, Hockett K.L, Bell T.H |
Journal | Functional Ecology |
Volume | 36 |
Pagination | 3085-3095 |
Date Published | Dec |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0269-8463 |
Accession Number | WOS:000858433500001 |
Keywords | adaptive radiation, communities, diversity, ecological opportunity, ecological release, Environmental Sciences & Ecology, expansion, experimental evolution, habitat, local adaptation, Microbial ecology, niche shift, release, soil bacteria |
Abstract | Realized niche breadth is generally expected to be smaller than fundamental niche breadth. For soil microorganisms, this is due in part to competition from co-occurring microbes, so removing competitors should allow for expanded use of resource and habitats (i.e. ecological release). We hypothesized that conditioning bacterial isolates to biotically cleared soils would allow for niche breadth expansion relative to ancestral bacteria, and that this niche expansion would be driven by habitat-dependent niche shifts between derived populations. We grew two taxonomically divergent bacteria for 3 months in four biotically cleared soils and a biotically cleared 'home' soil. We then assessed changes in the niche breadth and fitness (i.e. growth; respiration; carbon resource use) of conditioned bacteria. Post-conditioning, Pseudomonas populations showed the potential for increased growth rate in-culture and in-soil when conditioned to soils, and constrained resource use relative to the ancestral population, while Paenibacillus showed minimal changes in soil habitat breadth, but expanded resource use in conditioned populations. When introduced into complex novel environments containing reduced biotic pressure, soil bacteria can undergo rapid niche shifts, but this response varies across taxa and habitats. This suggests that species identity and habitat should interact to shape near-term niche shifts when microbes establish in new soil environments. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
Short Title | Funct. Ecol.Funct. Ecol. |
Alternate Journal | Funct. Ecol. |
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[biblio_abst_e] => Realized niche breadth is generally expected to be smaller than fundamental niche breadth. For soil microorganisms, this is due in part to competition from co-occurring microbes, so removing competitors should allow for expanded use of resource and habitats (i.e. ecological release). We hypothesized that conditioning bacterial isolates to biotically cleared soils would allow for niche breadth expansion relative to ancestral bacteria, and that this niche expansion would be driven by habitat-dependent niche shifts between derived populations. We grew two taxonomically divergent bacteria for 3 months in four biotically cleared soils and a biotically cleared 'home' soil. We then assessed changes in the niche breadth and fitness (i.e. growth; respiration; carbon resource use) of conditioned bacteria. Post-conditioning, Pseudomonas populations showed the potential for increased growth rate in-culture and in-soil when conditioned to soils, and constrained resource use relative to the ancestral population, while Paenibacillus showed minimal changes in soil habitat breadth, but expanded resource use in conditioned populations. When introduced into complex novel environments containing reduced biotic pressure, soil bacteria can undergo rapid niche shifts, but this response varies across taxa and habitats. This suggests that species identity and habitat should interact to shape near-term niche shifts when microbes establish in new soil environments. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
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Cited Reference Count: 53
Yates, Caylon F. Trexler, Ryan, V Bonet, Idalys King, William L. Hockett, Kevin L. Bell, Terrence H.
King, William L/AAG-6349-2019
King, William L/0000-0001-7272-8242; Yates, Caylon/0000-0002-0192-6169; Bell, Terrence/0000-0003-3603-7270; Trexler, Ryan/0000-0002-8321-6127
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program [DGE1255832]; United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture [2020-67013-30865, PEN04651, 1016233, PEN04648, 1016871]
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program under Grant No. DGE1255832. This work was also supported by the United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (grant no. 2020-67013-30865), under Hatch Appropriations PEN04651 and Accession 1016233 and Hatch Appropriations PEN04648 and Accession 1016871.
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Bell, TH (corresponding author), Penn State Univ, Dept Plant Pathol & Environm Microbiol, University Pk, PA 16802 USA.; Bell, TH (corresponding author), Penn State Univ, Intercoll Grad Degree Program Ecol, University Pk, PA 16802 USA.
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