Title | Temporal dynamics in biotic and functional recovery following mining |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2022 |
Authors | Eldridge D.J, Oliver I., Powell J.R, Dorrough J., Carrillo Y., Nielsen U.N, Macdonald C.A, Wilson B., Fyfe C., Amarasinghe A., Kuginis L., Peake T., Robinson T., Howe B., Delgado-Baquerizo M. |
Journal | Journal of Applied Ecology |
Volume | 59 |
Pagination | 1632-1643 |
Date Published | Jun |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0021-8901 |
Accession Number | WOS:000784197700001 |
Keywords | Biodiversity & Conservation, communities, degradation, ecosystem recovery, ecosystems, Environmental Sciences & Ecology, functional attributes, jarrah forest, litter, microarthropods, microbial biomass, mine site, mining, patterns, plant structure, reclamation, rehabilitation, Soil nutrients, soil organic-carbon |
Abstract | Human-induced disturbance has substantially influenced the structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems globally. However, the extent to which multiple ecosystem functions (multifunctionality) recover following anthropogenic disturbance (ecosystem recovery) remains poorly understood. We report on the first study examining the temporal dynamics in recovery of multifunctionality from 3 to 12 years after the commencement of rehabilitation following mining-induced disturbance, and relate this information to changes in biota. We examined changes in 57 biotic (plants, microbial) and functional (soil) attributes associated with biodiversity and ecosystem services at four open-cut coal mines in eastern Australia. Increasing time since commencement of rehabilitation was associated with increases in overall multifunctionality, soil microbial abundance, plant productivity, plant structure and soil stability, but not nutrient cycling, soil carbon sequestration nor soil nutrients. However, the temporal responses of individual ecosystem properties varied widely, from strongly positive (e.g. litter cover, fine and coarse frass, seed biomass, microbial and fungal biomass) to strongly negative (groundstorey foliage cover). We also show that sites with more developed biota tended to have greater ecosystem multifunctionality. Moreover, recovery of plant litter was closely associated with recovery of most microbial components, soil integrity and soil respiration. Overall, however, rehabilitated sites still differed from reference ecosystems a decade after commencement of rehabilitation. Synthesis and applications. The dominant role of plant and soil biota and litter cover in relation to functions associated with soil respiration, microbial function, soil integrity and C and N pools suggests that recovering biodiversity is a critically important priority in rehabilitation programs. Nonetheless, the slow recovery of most functions after a decade indicates that rehabilitation after open-cut mining is likely to protracted. |
Short Title | J Appl Ecol |
Alternate Journal | J. Appl. Ecol. |
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- Temporal dynamics in biotic and functional recovery following mining
Temporal dynamics in biotic and functional recovery following mining
stdClass Object ( [vid] => 808 [uid] => 11 [title] => Temporal dynamics in biotic and functional recovery following mining [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 0 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 638 [type] => biblio [language] => und [created] => 1691491334 [changed] => 1691491334 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1691491334 [revision_uid] => 11 [biblio_type] => 102 [biblio_number] => 6 [biblio_other_number] => [biblio_sort_title] => Temporal dynamics in biotic and functional recovery following mi [biblio_secondary_title] => Journal of Applied Ecology [biblio_tertiary_title] => [biblio_edition] => [biblio_publisher] => [biblio_place_published] => [biblio_year] => 2022 [biblio_volume] => 59 [biblio_pages] => 1632-1643 [biblio_date] => Jun [biblio_isbn] => 0021-8901 [biblio_lang] => English [biblio_abst_e] => Human-induced disturbance has substantially influenced the structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems globally. However, the extent to which multiple ecosystem functions (multifunctionality) recover following anthropogenic disturbance (ecosystem recovery) remains poorly understood. We report on the first study examining the temporal dynamics in recovery of multifunctionality from 3 to 12 years after the commencement of rehabilitation following mining-induced disturbance, and relate this information to changes in biota. We examined changes in 57 biotic (plants, microbial) and functional (soil) attributes associated with biodiversity and ecosystem services at four open-cut coal mines in eastern Australia. Increasing time since commencement of rehabilitation was associated with increases in overall multifunctionality, soil microbial abundance, plant productivity, plant structure and soil stability, but not nutrient cycling, soil carbon sequestration nor soil nutrients. However, the temporal responses of individual ecosystem properties varied widely, from strongly positive (e.g. litter cover, fine and coarse frass, seed biomass, microbial and fungal biomass) to strongly negative (groundstorey foliage cover). We also show that sites with more developed biota tended to have greater ecosystem multifunctionality. Moreover, recovery of plant litter was closely associated with recovery of most microbial components, soil integrity and soil respiration. Overall, however, rehabilitated sites still differed from reference ecosystems a decade after commencement of rehabilitation. Synthesis and applications. The dominant role of plant and soil biota and litter cover in relation to functions associated with soil respiration, microbial function, soil integrity and C and N pools suggests that recovering biodiversity is a critically important priority in rehabilitation programs. Nonetheless, the slow recovery of most functions after a decade indicates that rehabilitation after open-cut mining is likely to protracted. [biblio_abst_f] => [biblio_full_text] => 0 [biblio_url] => [biblio_issue] => [biblio_type_of_work] => Article [biblio_accession_number] => WOS:000784197700001 [biblio_call_number] => [biblio_notes] => ISI Document Delivery No.: 1V4IE
Times Cited: 4
Cited Reference Count: 54
Eldridge, David J. Oliver, Ian Powell, Jeff R. Dorrough, Josh Carrillo, Yolima Nielsen, Uffe N. Macdonald, Catriona A. Wilson, Brian Fyfe, Christine Amarasinghe, Apsara Kuginis, Laura Peake, Travis Robinson, Trish Howe, Belinda Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel
Powell, Jeff R/A-5076-2010; DELGADO-BAQUERIZO, MANUEL/GLS-0346-2022; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel/L-3653-2017; Macdonald, Catriona A/ITU-0781-2023; Eldridge, David/H-3532-2019; Dorrough, Josh W/E-7464-2012
Powell, Jeff R/0000-0003-1091-2452; DELGADO-BAQUERIZO, MANUEL/0000-0002-6499-576X; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel/0000-0002-6499-576X; Eldridge, David/0000-0002-2191-486X; Dorrough, Josh/0000-0001-7099-1442
Australian Coal Research Limited [C27038]; British Ecological Society [LRA17\1193]; H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions [702057]; NSW Environment Trust [2017/RD/0095]; Environmental Laboratory University of New England; Junta de Andalucia; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation; Department of Planning and Environment; University of New South Wales
Wales Australian Coal Research Limited, Grant/Award Number: C27038; British Ecological Society, Grant/Award Number: LRA17\1193, MUSGONET; H2020 Marie Sklodowska--Curie Actions, Grant/Award Number: 702057; NSW Environment Trust, Grant/Award Number: 2017/RD/0095; Environmental Laboratory University of New England; Junta de Andalucia; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation; Department of Planning and Environment; University of New South Wales
1365-2664 [biblio_custom1] => [biblio_custom2] => [biblio_custom3] => [biblio_custom4] => [biblio_custom5] => [biblio_custom6] => [biblio_custom7] => [biblio_research_notes] => [biblio_number_of_volumes] => [biblio_short_title] => J Appl Ecol [biblio_alternate_title] => J. Appl. Ecol. [biblio_original_publication] => [biblio_reprint_edition] => [biblio_translated_title] => [biblio_section] => [biblio_citekey] => 638 [biblio_coins] => [biblio_doi] => [biblio_issn] => [biblio_auth_address] => [Eldridge, David J.] Univ New South Wales, Dept Planning & Environm, Ctr Ecosyst Sci, Sch Biol Earth & Environm Sci, Sydney, NSW, Australia. [Oliver, Ian] Dept Planning & Environm, Lisarow, NSW, Australia. [Powell, Jeff R.; Carrillo, Yolima; Nielsen, Uffe N.; Macdonald, Catriona A.] Western Sydney Univ, Hawkesbury Inst Environm, Penrith, NSW, Australia. [Dorrough, Josh] Dept Planning & Environm, Merimbula, NSW, Australia. [Wilson, Brian] Univ New England, Sch Environm & Rural Sci, Dept Planning & Environm, Armidale, NSW, Australia. [Fyfe, Christine; Amarasinghe, Apsara] Univ New England, Sch Environm & Rural Sci, Armidale, NSW, Australia. [Kuginis, Laura] Dept Planning & Environm, Newcastle, NSW, Australia. [Peake, Travis; Robinson, Trish; Howe, Belinda] Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd, Teralba, NSW, Australia. [Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel] Inst Recursos Nat & Agrobiol Sevilla IRNAS, Lab Biodiversidad & Funcionamiento Ecosistem, Seville, Spain. [Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel] Univ Pablo Olavide, Unidad Asociada CSIC UPO BioFun, Seville, Spain. University of New England; University of New England; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC); CSIC - Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia de Sevilla (IRNAS); Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Eldridge, DJ (corresponding author), Univ New South Wales, Dept Planning & Environm, Ctr Ecosyst Sci, Sch Biol Earth & Environm Sci, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
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