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2016. Responses of the soil microbial catabolic profile and diversity to vegetation rehabilitation in degraded semiarid grassland. Applied Soil Ecology. 101:124-131.
2016. Selecting cost effective and policy-relevant biological indicators for European monitoring of soil biodiversity and ecosystem function. Ecological Indicators. 69:213-223.
2016. Sewage sludge addition modifies soil microbial communities and plant performance depending on the sludge stabilization process. Applied Soil Ecology. 101:37-46.
2016. Shallow snowpack inhibits soil respiration in sagebrush steppe through multiple biotic and abiotic mechanisms. Ecosphere. 7:18.
2016. Short-term carbon cycling responses of a mature eucalypt woodland to gradual stepwise enrichment of atmospheric CO2 concentration. Global Change Biology. 22:380-390.
2016. Single versus repeated applications of CuO and Ag nanomaterials and their effect on soil microflora. Environmental Pollution. 215:322-330.
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2016. Soil microbial functional activity is governed by a combination of tree species composition and soil properties in temperate forests. Applied Soil Ecology. 100:57-64.
2016. Soil microbial functional capacity and diversity in a millet-shrub intercropping system of semi-arid Senegal. Journal of Arid Environments. 129:71-79.
2016. Soil microbial respiration and PICT responses to an industrial and historic lead pollution: a field study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23:4271-4281.
2016. Strategic tillage increased the relative abundance of Acidobacteria but did not impact on overall soil microbial properties of a 19-year no-till Solonetz. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 52:1021-1035.
2016. Strategic tillage on a Grey Vertosol after fifteen years of no-till management had no short-term impact on soil properties and agronomic productivity. Geoderma. 267:146-155.
2016. Temperature and trophic structure are driving microbial productivity along a biogeographical gradient. Ecography. 39:981-989.
2016. Temporal dynamic of parasite-mediated linkages between the forest canopy and soil processes and the microbial community. New Phytologist. 211:1382-1392.
2016. Time-variant species pools shape competitive dynamics and biodiversity - ecosystem function relationships. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 283:8.
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2016. Variations in the fate and biological effects of sulfamethoxazole, norfloxacin and doxycycline in different vegetable-soil systems following manure application. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 304:49-57.
2016. Variations in the fate and biological effects of sulfamethoxazole, norfloxacin and doxycycline in different vegetable–soil systems following manure application. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 304:49-57.
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2017. Changes in aquatic microbial responses to C-substrates with stream water and sediment quality related to land use pressures. Chemosphere. 184:548-558.
2017. Changes in soil microbial substrate utilization in response to altered litter diversity and precipitation in a Mediterranean shrubland. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 53:171-185.
2017. Contrasting mass-ratio vs. niche complementarity effects on litter C and N loss during decomposition along a regional climatic gradient. Journal of Ecology. 105:968-978.
2017. Correlation between soil development and native plant growth in forest restoration after surface mining. Ecological Engineering. 106:209-218.