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Wacker T.S, Jensen L.S, Thorup-Kristensen K..  2022.  Conservation agriculture affects soil organic matter distribution, microbial metabolic capacity and nitrogen turnover under Danish field conditions. Soil & Tillage Research. 224:13.
Wahbi S., Prin Y., Thioulouse J., Sanguin H., Baudoin E., Maghraoui T., Oufdou K., Le Roux C., Galiana A., Hafidi M. et al..  2016.  Impact of Wheat/Faba Bean Mixed Cropping or Rotation Systems on Soil Microbial Functionalities. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7:9.
Wakelin S.A, Cavanagh J.AE, Young S., Gray C.W, van Ham R.JC.  2016.  Cadmium in New Zealand pasture soils: toxicity to Rhizobia and white clover. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 59:65-78.
Wakelin S.A, Condron L.M, Gerard E., Dignam B.EA, Black A., O'Callaghan M..  2017.  Long-term P fertilisation of pasture soil did not increase soil organic matter stocks but increased microbial biomass and activity. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 53:511-521.
Wakelin S, Lombi E, Donner E, MacDonald L, Black A, O'Callaghan M.  2013.  Application of MicroResp™ for soil ecotoxicology. Environmental Pollution. 179:177-184.
Wakelin S.A, Macdonald L.M, O'Callaghan M., Forrester S.T, Condron L.M.  2014.  Soil functional resistance and stability are linked to different ecosystem properties. Austral Ecology. 39:522-531.
Wakelin S.A, Macdonald L.M, Rogers S.L, Gregg A.L, Bolger T.P, Baldock J.A.  2008.  Habitat selective factors influencing the structural composition and functional capacity of microbial communities in agricultural soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 40:803-813.
Wang J., Chapman S.J, Yao H.Y.  2015.  The effect of storage on microbial activity and bacterial community structure of drained and flooded paddy soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 15:880-889.
Wang J.M, Lin H., Sun W.C, Xia Y., Ma J.W, Fu J.R, Zhang Z.L, Wu H.Z, Qian M.R.  2016.  Variations in the fate and biological effects of sulfamethoxazole, norfloxacin and doxycycline in different vegetable-soil systems following manure application. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 304:49-57.
Wang Y., Wilhelm R.C, Swenson T.L, Silver A., Andeer P.F, Golini A., Kosina S.M, Bowen B.P, Buckley D.H, Northen T.R.  2022.  Substrate Utilization and Competitive Interactions Among Soil Bacteria Vary With Life-History Strategies. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13:14.
Wang S., Cheng F.L, Guo S.H.  2023.  Highly efficient screening and optimal combination of functional isolates for bioremediation of hydrocarbon-polluted soil. Environmental Research. 219:12.
Wang S., Hoang D.TT, Luu A.T, Mostafa T., Razavi B.S.  2023.  Environmental memory of microbes regulates the response of soil enzyme kinetics to extreme water events: Drought-rewetting-flooding. Geoderma. 437:11.
Wang G.W, Jin Z.X, George T.S, Feng G., Zhang L..  2023.  Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance plant phosphorus uptake through stimulating hyphosphere soil microbiome functional profiles for phosphorus turnover. New Phytologist. 238:2578-2593.
Wang F, Li Z, Su F, Guo H, Wang P, Guo J, Zhu W, Wang Y, Hu S.  2021.  Sensitive Groups of Bacteria Dictate Microbial Functional Responses to Short-term Warming and N Input in a Semiarid Grassland. Ecosystems.
Wang J, Lin H, Sun W, Xia Y, Ma J, Fu J, Zhang Z, Wu H, Qian M.  2016.  Variations in the fate and biological effects of sulfamethoxazole, norfloxacin and doxycycline in different vegetable–soil systems following manure application. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 304:49-57.
Wasserstrom H., Ben-Ezra V.E, Sherman C., Unc A., Steinberger Y..  2017.  The influence of flint stones on a soil microbial community in the northern Negev Desert. Aims Microbiology. 3:580-595.
Weber T., Ramirez G.H, Quideau S., MacKenzie M.D.  2024.  Biochar-manure impacts wheat and canola grain productivity, dry matter partitioning, and protein content in western Canada. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 88:109-125.
Weitzman JN, Forshay KJ, Kaye JP, Mayer PM, Koval JC, Walter RC.  2014.  Potential nitrogen and carbon processing in a landscape rich in milldam legacy sediments. Biogeochemistry. 120:337-357.
Weng Z., Van Zwieten L., Tavakkoli E., Rose M.T, Singh B.P, Joseph S., Macdonald L.M, Kimber S., Morris S., Rose T.J et al..  2022.  Microspectroscopic visualization of how biochar lifts the soil organic carbon ceiling. Nature Communications. 13:12.
Weng Z., Van Zwieten L., Singh B.P, Tavakkoli E., Joseph S., Macdonald L.M, Rose T.J, Rose M.T, Kimber S.WL, Morris S. et al..  2017.  Biochar built soil carbon over a decade by stabilizing rhizodeposits. Nature Climate Change. 7:371-+.
West J.R, Herrick B.M, Whitman T..  2024.  Earthworm co-invasion by Amynthas tokioensis and Amynthas agrestis affects soil microaggregate bacterial communities. Applied Soil Ecology. 195:14.
West J.R, Lauer J.G, Whitman T..  2023.  Tillage homogenizes soil bacterial communities in microaggregate fractions by facilitating dispersal. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 186:15.
Whitford W.G, Ginzburg O., Berg N., Steinberger Y..  2012.  Do long-lived ants affect soil microbial communities? Biology and Fertility of Soils. 48:227-233.