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Tak D.BY, Vroom R.JE, Lexmond R., Lamers L.PM, Robroek B.JM, Temmink R.JM.  2023.  Water level and vegetation type control carbon fluxes in a newly-constructed soft-sediment wetland. Wetlands Ecology and Management. 31:583-594.
Tang H.M, Xiao X.P, Li C., Shi L.H, Cheng K.K, Li W.Y, Wen L., Xu Y.L, Wang K..  2021.  Microbial carbon source utilization in rice rhizosphere soil with different tillage practice in a double cropping rice field. Scientific Reports. 11:9.
Tang H.M, Xiao X.P, Li C., Pan X.C, Cheng K.K, Li W.Y, Wang K..  2020.  Microbial carbon source utilization in rice rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere soils with short-term manure N input rate in paddy field. Scientific Reports. 10:9.
Tang H.M, Li C., Wen L., Li W.Y, Shi L.H, Cheng K.K, Xiao X.P.  2020.  Microbial carbon source utilization in rice rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils in a 34-year fertilized paddy field. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 60:1004-1013.
Thill P.G, Ager D.K, Vojnovic B., Tesh S.J, Scott T.B, Thompson I.P.  2016.  Hybrid biological, electron beam and zero-valent nano iron treatment of recalcitrant metalworking fluids. Water Research. 93:214-221.
Thoumazeau A, Gay F, Alonso P, Suvannang N, Phongjinda A, Panklang P, Chevallier T, Bessou C, Brauman A.  2017.  SituResp®: A time- and cost-effective method to assess basal soil respiration in the field. Applied Soil Ecology. 121:223-230.
Tlili A., Marechal M., Montuelle B., Volat B., Dorigo U., Bérard A..  2011.  Use of the MicroResp (TM) method to assess pollution-induced community tolerance to metals for lotic biofilms. Environmental Pollution. 159:18-24.
Tlili A, Hollender J, Kienle C, Behra R.  2017.  Micropollutant-induced tolerance of in situ periphyton: Establishing causality in wastewater-impacted streams. Water Research. 111:185-194.
Tlili A, Maréchal M, Bérard A, Volat B, Montuelle B.  2011.  Enhanced co-tolerance and co-sensitivity from long-term metal exposures of heterotrophic and autotrophic components of fluvial biofilms. Science of The Total Environment. 409:4335-4343.
Tlili A, Corcoll N, Bonet B, Morin S, Montuelle B, Bérard A, Guasch H.  2011.  In situ spatio-temporal changes in pollution-induced community tolerance to zinc in autotrophic and heterotrophic biofilm communities. Ecotoxicology. 20:1823.
Tlili A., Marechal M., Montuelle B., Volat B., Dorigo U., Bérard A..  2011.  Use of the MicroResp™ method to assess pollution-induced community tolerance to metals for lotic biofilms. Environmental Pollution. 159:18-24.
Torrents A., Mas J., Muñoz F.X, del Campo F.J.  2012.  Design of a microfluidic respirometer for semi-continuous amperometric short time biochemical oxygen demand (BODst) analysis. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 66:27-37.
Tresch S., Frey D., Le Bayon R.C, Zanetta A., Rasche F., Fliessbach A., Moretti M..  2019.  Litter decomposition driven by soil fauna, plant diversity and soil management in urban gardens. Science of The Total Environment. 658:1614-1629.
Tresch S., Moretti M., Le Bayon R.C, Mader P., Zanetta A., Frey D., Stehle B., Kuhn A., Munyangabe A., Fliessbach A..  2018.  Urban Soil Quality Assessment-A Comprehensive Case Study Dataset of Urban Garden Soils. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 6:5.
Trivedi P., Delgado-Baquerizo M., Jeffries T.C, Trivedi C., Anderson I.C, Lai K., McNee M., Flower K., Singh B.P, Minkey D. et al..  2017.  Soil aggregation and associated microbial communities modify the impact of agricultural management on carbon content. Environmental Microbiology. 19:3070-3086.
Trivedi P, Rochester IJ, Trivedi C, Van Nostrand JD, Zhou J, Karunaratne S, Anderson IC, Singh BK.  2015.  Soil aggregate size mediates the impacts of cropping regimes on soil carbon and microbial communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 91:169-181.
Tucker C.L, Tamang S., Pendall E., Ogle K..  2016.  Shallow snowpack inhibits soil respiration in sagebrush steppe through multiple biotic and abiotic mechanisms. Ecosphere. 7:18.