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Shar S., Shahsavari E., Reith F., Alghamdi O.A, Yamani H.A, AlJudaibi A., Donner E., Vasileiadis S., Ball A.S.  2021.  Dose-related changes in respiration and enzymatic activities in soils amended with mobile platinum and gold. Applied Soil Ecology. 157:6.
Sherman C., Sternberg M., Steinberger Y..  2012.  Effects of climate change on soil respiration and carbon processing in Mediterranean and semi-arid regions: An experimental approach. European Journal of Soil Biology. 52:48-58.
Sherman C, Steinberger Y.  2012.  Microbial Functional Diversity Associated with Plant Litter Decomposition Along a Climatic Gradient. Microbial Ecology. 64:399-415.
Sherman C., Unc A., Doniger T., Ehrlich R., Steinberger Y..  2019.  The effect of human trampling activity on a soil microbial community at the Oulanka Natural Reserve, Finland. Applied Soil Ecology. 135:104-112.
Sherman C., Marais E., Maggs-Kolling G., Adams J., Steinberger Y..  2019.  Abiotic and plant gender effects on the structure and function of soil microbial communities associated with Acanthosicyos horridus (Nara) in the Namibian sand-dune desert ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments. 163:50-58.
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Singh BK, Quince C, Macdonald CA, Khachane A, Thomas N, Al-Soud WAbu, Sørensen SJ, He Z, White D, Sinclair A et al..  2014.  Loss of microbial diversity in soils is coincident with reductions in some specialized functions. Environmental Microbiology. 16:2408-2420.
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Smith TP, Clegg T, Bell T, Pawar S.  2021.  Systematic variation in the temperature dependence of bacterial carbon use efficiency. Ecology Letters. 24:2123-2133.
Smith T.P, Mombrikotb S., Ransome E., Kontopoulos D.G, Pawar S., Bell T..  2022.  Latent functional diversity may accelerate microbial community responses to temperature fluctuations. ElifeElife. 11:22.
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Song Y., Yuan G.S, Wu Q.F, Situ G., Liang C.F, Qin H., Chen J.H.  2023.  Change in Microbial Metabolic Quotient Under Biochar Amendment Was Associated with Soil Organic Carbon Quality, Microbial Community Composition, and Enzyme Activity in Bulk and Rhizosphere Soils in an Acid Rice Paddy. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. :14.
Song D.L, Dai X.L, Guo T.F, Cui J.W, Zhou W., Huang S.M, Shen J.B, Liang G.Q, He P., Wang X.B et al..  2022.  Organic amendment regulates soil microbial biomass and activity in wheat-maize and wheat-soybean rotation systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 333:13.
Squartini A, Fusaro S, Concheri G.  2018.  Cheap and portable lab-free respiration assay. Applied Soil Ecology. 123:797-801.
Sradnick A, Murugan R, Oltmanns M, Raupp J, Joergensen RGeorg.  2013.  Changes in functional diversity of the soil microbial community in a heterogeneous sandy soil after long-term fertilization with cattle manure and mineral fertilizer. Applied Soil Ecology. 63:23-28.
Stazi S.R, Moscatelli M.C, Papp R., Crognale S., Grego S., Martin M., Marabottini R..  2017.  A Multi-biological Assay Approach to Assess Microbial Diversity in Arsenic (As) Contaminated Soils. Geomicrobiology Journal. 34:183-192.
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Steinberger Y., Stein A., Dorman M., Svoray T., Doniger T., Rinot O., Gil E..  2022.  A sensitive soil biological indicator to changes in land-use in regions with Mediterranean climate. Scientific Reports. 12:10.
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Strukelj M., Parker W., Corcket E., Augusto L., Khlifa R., Jactel H., Munson A.D.  2021.  Tree species richness and water availability interact to affect soil microbial processes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 155:12.