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Guillot E., Bertrand I., Rumpel C., Gomez C., Arnal D., Abadie J., Hinsinger P..  2021.  Spatial heterogeneity of soil quality within a Mediterranean alley cropping agroforestry system: Comparison with a monocropping system. European Journal of Soil Biology. 105:10.
Guebre D., Traore S., Hien E., Some D., Bationo B.A, Wiesmeier M..  2020.  Soil macrofaunal activity, microbial catabolic limitations and nutrient cycling in cropping systems amended with woody residues and nitrogen inputs. Pedobiologia. 83:10.
Grover S.PP, Baldock J.A.  2012.  Carbon chemistry and mineralization of peat soils from the Australian Alps. European Journal of Soil Science. 63:129-140.
Grishko V.N, Syshchikova O.V, Zenova G.M, Kozhevin P.A, Dubrova M.S, Lubsanova D.A, Chernov I.Y.  2015.  Mycelial actinobacteria in salt-affected soils of arid territories of Ukraine and Russia. Eurasian Soil Science. 48:72-76.
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Gonzalez-Quiñones V, Banning NC, Ballesta RJimenez, Murphy DV.  2009.  Influence of cold storage on soil microbial community level physiological profiles and implications for soil quality monitoring. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 41:1574-1576.
Gömöryová E, Ujházy K, Martinák M, Gömöry D.  2013.  Soil microbial community response to variation in vegetation and abiotic environment in a temperate old-growth forest. Applied Soil Ecology. 68:10-19.
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Ginzburg O, Whitford W.G, Steinberger Y..  2008.  Effects of harvester ant (Messor spp.) activity on soil properties and microbial communities in a Negev Desert ecosystem. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 45:165-173.
Ginzburg O, Steinberger Y.  2012.  Effects of forest wildfire on soil microbial-community activity and chemical components on a temporal-seasonal scale. Plant and Soil. 360:243-257.
Gil-Martinez M., Lopez-Garcia A., Dominguez M.T, Kjoller R., Navarro-Fernandez C.M, Rosendahl S., Maranon T..  2021.  Soil fungal diversity and functionality are driven by plant species used in phytoremediation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 153:12.
Gergocs V., Florian N., Toth Z., Szili-Kovacs T., Mucsi M., Dombos M..  2022.  Crop species and year affect soil-dwelling Collembola and Acari more strongly than fertilisation regime in an arable field. Applied Soil Ecology. 173:11.
Geretharan T., Jeyakumar P., Bretherton M., Anderson C.WN.  2020.  Fluorine and white clover: Assessing fluorine's impact on Rhizobium leguminosarum. Journal of Environmental Quality. 49:987-999.
Ge T, Chen X, Yuan H, Li B, Zhu H, Peng P, Li K, Jones DL, Wu J.  2013.  Microbial biomass, activity, and community structure in horticultural soils under conventional and organic management strategies. European Journal of Soil Biology. 58:122-128.
Gazdag O., Kovacs R., Paradi I., Fuzy A., Kodobocz L., Mucsi M., Szili-Kovacs T., Inubushi K., Takacs T..  2019.  Density and Diversity of Microbial Symbionts under Organic and Conventional Agricultural Management. Microbes and Environments. 34:234-243.
Gartzia-Bengoetxea N., Kandeler E., de Arano I.M, Arias-Gonzalez A..  2016.  Soil microbial functional activity is governed by a combination of tree species composition and soil properties in temperate forests. Applied Soil Ecology. 100:57-64.
Garcia-Pausas J., Romanya J., Casals P..  2022.  Post-fire recovery of soil microbial functions is promoted by plant growth. European Journal of Soil Science. 73:15.
García-Palacios P, Bowker MA, Maestre FT, Soliveres S, Valladares F, Papadopoulos J, Escudero A.  2011.  Ecosystem development in roadside grasslands: biotic control, plant–soil interactions, and dispersal limitations. Ecological Applications. 21:2806-2821.
Garcia-Palacios P., Shaw E.A, Wall D.H, Hattenschwiler S..  2017.  Contrasting mass-ratio vs. niche complementarity effects on litter C and N loss during decomposition along a regional climatic gradient. Journal of Ecology. 105:968-978.
García-Palacios P, Bowker MA, Chapman SJ, Maestre FT, Soliveres S, Gallardo A, Valladares F, Guerrero C, Escudero A.  2011.  Early-successional vegetation changes after roadside prairie restoration modify processes related with soil functioning by changing microbial functional diversity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 43:1245-1253.
García-Palacios P, Milla R, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Martín-Robles N, lvaro-Sánchez MÁ, Wall DH.  2013.  Side-effects of plant domestication: ecosystem impacts of changes in litter quality. New Phytologist. 198:504-513.
Garcia-Palacios P., Prieto I., Ourcival J.M, Hattenschwiler S..  2016.  Disentangling the Litter Quality and Soil Microbial Contribution to Leaf and Fine Root Litter Decomposition Responses to Reduced Rainfall. Ecosystems. 19:490-503.
García-Palacios P, Milla R, lvaro-Sánchez MÁ, Martín-Robles N, Maestro M.  2013.  Application of a high-throughput laboratory method to assess litter decomposition rates in multiple-species experiments. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 57:929-932.
Gao F., Fan H.X, Chapman S.J, Yao H.Y.  2022.  Changes in soil microbial community activity and composition following substrate amendment within the MicroResp (TM) system. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 22:1242-1251.