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2018. Springtail community structure is influenced by functional traits but not biogeographic origin of leaf litter in soils of novel forest ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 285:7.
2018. Tillage and crop succession effects on soil microbial metabolic activity and carbon utilization in a clay loam soil. European Journal of Soil Biology. 88:97-104.
2018. Two decades of altered snow cover does not affect soil microbial ability to catabolize carbon compounds in an oceanic alpine heath. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 124:101-104.
2018. Urban Soil Quality Assessment-A Comprehensive Case Study Dataset of Urban Garden Soils. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 6:5.
2018. Yellow Canopy Syndrome in sugarcane is associated with shifts in the rhizosphere soil metagenome but not with overall soil microbial function. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 125:275-285.
2018. Abiotic and plant gender effects on the structure and function of soil microbial communities associated with Acanthosicyos horridus (Nara) in the Namibian sand-dune desert ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments. 163:50-58.
2019. Application of the Biolog™ ECO-plate technique for the study of the physiological profile of microbial communities in agricultural land. Ecosistemas. 28:46-53.
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2019. Bovine urine inhibits microbial function and increases urea turnover in dairy grazed soils. Soil Research. 57:489-499.
2019. Changes in root-exudate-induced respiration reveal a novel mechanism through which drought affects ecosystem carbon cycling. New Phytologist. 224:132-145.
2019. Coring lubricants can increase soil microbial activity in Vertisols. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 165:5.
2019. Density and Diversity of Microbial Symbionts under Organic and Conventional Agricultural Management. Microbes and Environments. 34:234-243.
2019. Development of physico-chemical and biological soil properties on the European ground squirrel mounds. Geoderma. 339:85-93.
2019. Drivers of soil carbon stabilization in oil palm plantations. Land Degradation & Development. 30:1904-1915.
2019. Drying and rewetting effects on organic matter mineralisation of contrasting soils after 36 years of storage. Geoderma. 342:12-19.
2019. The effect of human trampling activity on a soil microbial community at the Oulanka Natural Reserve, Finland. Applied Soil Ecology. 135:104-112.
2019. Effects of forest harvest and fertiliser amendment on soil biodiversity and function can persist for decades. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 135:194-205.
2019. Effects of Sphagnum Leachate on Competitive Sphagnum Microbiome Depend on Species and Time. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10:17.
2019. Evaluation of microbial shifts caused by a silver nanomaterial: comparison of four test systems. Environmental Sciences Europe. 31:13.
2019. Fertilising effect of sewage sludge ash inoculated with the phosphate-solubilising fungus Penicillium bilaiae under semi-field conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 55:43-51.
2019. Global ecological predictors of the soil priming effect. Nature Communications. 10:9.
2019. Increasing microbial carbon use efficiency with warming predicts soil heterotrophic respiration globally. Global Change Biology. 25:3354-3364.
2019. Interactions in self-assembled microbial communities saturate with diversity. Isme Journal. 13:1602-1617.
2019. Litter decomposition driven by soil fauna, plant diversity and soil management in urban gardens. Science of The Total Environment. 658:1614-1629.