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Comparison of microbial community assays for the assessment of stream biofilm ecology. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 85:190-198.
2011. Comparison of two methods that assess soil community level physiological profiles in a forest ecosystem. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 39:454-462.
2007. Context-dependent dynamics lead to the assembly of functionally distinct microbial communities. Nature Communications. 11:10.
2020. Deciphering the Effectiveness of Humic Substances and Biochar Modified Digestates on Soil Quality and Plant Biomass Accumulation. Agronomy-Basel. 12:12.
2022. Development of physico-chemical and biological soil properties on the European ground squirrel mounds. Geoderma. 339:85-93.
2019. Differentiation of microbial activity and functional diversity between various biocrust elements in a heterogeneous crustal community. CatenaC. 147:138-145.
2016. Differentiation of microbial activity and functional diversity between various biocrust elements in a heterogeneous crustal community. CatenaC. 147:138-145.
2016. Differentiation of microbial activity and functional diversity between various biocrust elements in a heterogeneous crustal community. CatenaC. 147:138-145.
2016. Differentiation of microbial activity and functional diversity between various biocrust elements in a heterogeneous crustal community. CatenaC. 147:138-145.
2016. Distance-dependent varieties of microbial community structure and metabolic functions in the rhizosphere of Sedum alfredii Hance during phytoextraction of a cadmium-contaminated soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24:14234-14248.
2017. Does forest stand density affect soil microbial communities? Applied Soil Ecology. 195:17.
2024. Does forest stand density affect soil microbial communities? Applied Soil Ecology. 195:17.
2024. Eco-restoration of a mine technosol according to biochar particle size and dose application: study of soil physico-chemical properties and phytostabilization capacities of Salix viminalis. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 18:2188-2202.
2018. Effect of carbon-enriched digestate on the microbial soil activity. Plos One. 16:13.
2021. The effect of chelating agents on the Zn-phytoextraction potential of hemp and soil microbial activity. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture. 11:19.
2024. Effect of rice straw application on microbial community and activity in paddy soil under different water status. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23:5941-5948.
2016. Effects of application of corn straw on soil microbial community structure during the maize growing season. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 55:22-32.
2015. Effects of application of corn straw on soil microbial community structure during the maize growing season. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 55:22-32.
2015. The Effects of Conservation Tillage on Chemical and Microbial Soil Parameters at Four Sites across Europe. Plants-Basel. 11:12.
2022. Effects of jasmonic acid signalling on the wheat microbiome differ between body sites. Scientific Reports. 7:8.
2017. Effects of manure and mineral fertilization strategies on soil antibiotic resistance gene levels and microbial community in a paddy-upland rotation system. Environmental Pollution. 211:332-337.
2016. Effects of single and mixed species forest ecosystems on diversity and function of soil microbial community in subtropical China. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 12:228-240.
2012. Effects of warming, wetting and nitrogen addition on substrate-induced respiration and temperature sensitivity of heterotrophic respiration in a temperate forest soil. Pedosphere. 31:363-372.
2021. Environmental memory of microbes regulates the response of soil enzyme kinetics to extreme water events: Drought-rewetting-flooding. Geoderma. 437:11.
2023. The exotic legume tree species, Acacia mearnsii, alters microbial soil functionalities and the early development of a native tree species, Quercus suber, in North Africa. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 65:172-179.