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Soil microbial community composition and functions are disrupted by fire and land use in a Mediterranean woodland. Science of The Total Environment. 895:11.
2023. Coping with artifacts induced by CaCO3–CO2–H2O equilibria in substrate utilization profiling of calcareous soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 40:2569-2577.
2008. Catabolic profiles of soil fungal communities along a geographic climatic gradient in Israel. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 40:2578-2587.
2008. Soil conditioning and plant-soil feedbacks in a modified forest ecosystem are soil-context dependent. Plant and Soil. 390:183-194.
2015. Correlation between soil development and native plant growth in forest restoration after surface mining. Ecological Engineering. 106:209-218.
2017. Long-term conditioning of soil by plantation eucalypts and pines does not affect growth of the native jarrah tree. Forest Ecology and Management. 338:92-99.