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2024. Earthworms and plants can decrease soil greenhouse gas emissions by modulating soil moisture fluctuations and soil macroporosity in a mesocosm experiment. Plos One. 19:23.
2024. The effect of chelating agents on the Zn-phytoextraction potential of hemp and soil microbial activity. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture. 11:19.
2024. Effect of plastic film and hemp canvas mulching on soil properties, microbial diversity and lettuce yield. Plant and Soil. :19.
2024. Effects of earthworms on microbial community structure, functionality and soil properties in soil cover treatments for mine tailings rehabilitation. European Journal of Soil Biology. 120:7.
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2024. Effect of Grape Pomace Varieties and Soil Characteristics on the Leaching Potential of Total Carbon, Nitrogen and Polyphenols. Soil Systems. 7:17.
2023. Effects of chemical inputs, plant genotype and phenotypic plasticity on soil carbon storage by wheat root systems. Plant and Soil. 486:561-574.
2023. Efficacy of bioadmendments in reducing the influence of salinity on the bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil. Science of The Total Environment. 892:13.
2023. Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations caused a shift of the metabolically active microbiome in vineyard soil. Bmc Microbiology. 23:19.
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2023. Ecosystem productivity has a stronger influence than soil age on surface soil carbon storage across global biomes. Communications Earth & Environment. 3:8.
2022. Effect of biodegradable poly-3-hydroxybutyrate amendment on the soil biochemical properties and fertility under varying sand loads. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture. 9:13.
2022. The Effect of Stand Structure on Soil Physico-Chemical and Biological Properties in a Primary Beech Forest. Forests. 13:16.
2022. The Effects of Conservation Tillage on Chemical and Microbial Soil Parameters at Four Sites across Europe. Plants-Basel. 11:12.
2022. Environmental filtering controls soil biodiversity in wet tropical ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 166:9.
2022. Ecosystem properties in urban areas vary with habitat type and settlement age. Plant and Soil. 461:489-500.
2021. Effect of carbon-enriched digestate on the microbial soil activity. Plos One. 16:13.
2021. Effects of warming, wetting and nitrogen addition on substrate-induced respiration and temperature sensitivity of heterotrophic respiration in a temperate forest soil. Pedosphere. 31:363-372.
2021. Enzyme activities and microbial functional diversity in metal(loid) contaminated soils near to a copper smelter. Science of The Total Environment. 779:12.
2021. Eco-evolutionary Dynamics Set the Tempo and Trajectory of Metabolic Evolution in Multispecies Communities. Current Biology. 30:10.
2020. Effects of converting a temperate short-rotation coppice to a silvo-arable alley cropping agroforestry system on soil quality indicators. Agroforestry Systems. 94:389-400.
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2020. The effect of human trampling activity on a soil microbial community at the Oulanka Natural Reserve, Finland. Applied Soil Ecology. 135:104-112.