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2013. Do development stages of biological soil crusts determine activity and functional diversity in a sand-dune ecosystem? Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 51:66-72.
2012. Effects of forest wildfire on soil microbial-community activity and chemical components on a temporal-seasonal scale. Plant and Soil. 360:243-257.
2012. Microbial Functional Diversity Associated with Plant Litter Decomposition Along a Climatic Gradient. Microbial Ecology. 64:399-415.
2012. Soil microbial metabolic profiles in two geomorphological units in a semistable sand-dune ecosystem. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 45:71-78.
2012. Effects of cattle-lagoon slurry on a soil microbial community can be observed until depths of 50m. Applied Soil Ecology. 49:32-39.
2011. Substrate utilization patterns of desert soil microbial communities in response to xeric and mesic conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 41:1882-1893.