
Found 484 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Frank G.S, Nakatsu C.H, Jenkins M.A.  2018.  Soil chemistry and microbial community functional responses to invasive shrub removal in mixed hardwood forests. Applied Soil Ecology. 131:75-88.
Raymond-Leonard L.J, Gravel D., Reich P.B, Handa I.T.  2018.  Springtail community structure is influenced by functional traits but not biogeographic origin of leaf litter in soils of novel forest ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 285:7.
Zhang Z, Liang S, Wang J, Zhang X, Mahamood M, Yu J, Zhang X, Liang A, Liang W.  2018.  Tillage and crop succession effects on soil microbial metabolic activity and carbon utilization in a clay loam soil. European Journal of Soil Biology. 88:97-104.
Wubs E.RJ, Woodin S.J, Stutter M.I, Wipf S., Sommerkorn M., van der Wal R..  2018.  Two decades of altered snow cover does not affect soil microbial ability to catabolize carbon compounds in an oceanic alpine heath. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 124:101-104.
Tresch S., Moretti M., Le Bayon R.C, Mader P., Zanetta A., Frey D., Stehle B., Kuhn A., Munyangabe A., Fliessbach A..  2018.  Urban Soil Quality Assessment-A Comprehensive Case Study Dataset of Urban Garden Soils. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 6:5.
Hamonts K., Trivedi P., Grinyer J., Holford P., Drigo B., Anderson I.A, Singh B.K.  2018.  Yellow Canopy Syndrome in sugarcane is associated with shifts in the rhizosphere soil metagenome but not with overall soil microbial function. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 125:275-285.
Sherman C., Marais E., Maggs-Kolling G., Adams J., Steinberger Y..  2019.  Abiotic and plant gender effects on the structure and function of soil microbial communities associated with Acanthosicyos horridus (Nara) in the Namibian sand-dune desert ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments. 163:50-58.
Baraza E., Bota J., Romero-Munar A., Nogales B..  2019.  Application of the Biolog™ ECO-plate technique for the study of the physiological profile of microbial communities in agricultural land. Ecosistemas. 28:46-53.
Steinmetz Z, Kurtz MP, Zubrod JP, Meyer AH, Elsner M, Schaumann GE.  2019.  Biodegradation and photooxidation of phenolic compounds in soil—A compound-specific stable isotope approach. Chemosphere. 230:210-218.
Lambie S.M, Mason N.WH, Mudge P.L.  2019.  Bovine urine inhibits microbial function and increases urea turnover in dairy grazed soils. Soil Research. 57:489-499.
de Vries F.T, Williams A., Stringer F., Willcocks R., McEwing R., Langridge H., Straathof A.L.  2019.  Changes in root-exudate-induced respiration reveal a novel mechanism through which drought affects ecosystem carbon cycling. New Phytologist. 224:132-145.
Polain K., Joice G., Jones D., Pereg L., Nachimuthu G., Knox O.GG.  2019.  Coring lubricants can increase soil microbial activity in Vertisols. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 165:5.
Gazdag O., Kovacs R., Paradi I., Fuzy A., Kodobocz L., Mucsi M., Szili-Kovacs T., Inubushi K., Takacs T..  2019.  Density and Diversity of Microbial Symbionts under Organic and Conventional Agricultural Management. Microbes and Environments. 34:234-243.
Lindtner P., Gomoryova E., Gomory D., Stasiov S., Kubovcik V..  2019.  Development of physico-chemical and biological soil properties on the European ground squirrel mounds. Geoderma. 339:85-93.
Ruegg J., Quezada J.C, Santonja M., Ghazoul J., Kuzyakov Y., Buttler A., Guillaume T..  2019.  Drivers of soil carbon stabilization in oil palm plantations. Land Degradation & Development. 30:1904-1915.
Jones AR, Gupta VVSR, Buckley S, Brackin R, Schmidt S, Dalal RC.  2019.  Drying and rewetting effects on organic matter mineralisation of contrasting soils after 36 years of storage. Geoderma. 342:12-19.
Sherman C., Unc A., Doniger T., Ehrlich R., Steinberger Y..  2019.  The effect of human trampling activity on a soil microbial community at the Oulanka Natural Reserve, Finland. Applied Soil Ecology. 135:104-112.
Addison S.L, Smaill S.J, Garrett L.G, Wakelin S.A.  2019.  Effects of forest harvest and fertiliser amendment on soil biodiversity and function can persist for decades. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 135:194-205.
Hamard S., Robroek B.JM, Allard P.M, Signarbieux C., Zhou S.Z, Saesong T., de Baaker F., Buttler A., Chiapusio G., Wolfender J.L et al..  2019.  Effects of Sphagnum Leachate on Competitive Sphagnum Microbiome Depend on Species and Time. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10:17.
Hund-Rinke K., Hummler A., Schlinkert R., Wege F., Broll G..  2019.  Evaluation of microbial shifts caused by a silver nanomaterial: comparison of four test systems. Environmental Sciences Europe. 31:13.
Raymond N.S, Jensen L.S, van der Bom F., Nicolaisen M.H, Muller-Stover D..  2019.  Fertilising effect of sewage sludge ash inoculated with the phosphate-solubilising fungus Penicillium bilaiae under semi-field conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 55:43-51.
Bastida F., Bastidal F., Garcia C., Fierer N., Eldridge D.J, Bowker M.A, Abades S., Alfaro F.D, Berhe A.A, Cutler N.A et al..  2019.  Global ecological predictors of the soil priming effect. Nature Communications. 10:9.
Ye J.S, Bradford M.A, Dacal M., Maestre F.T, Garca-Palacios P..  2019.  Increasing microbial carbon use efficiency with warming predicts soil heterotrophic respiration globally. Global Change Biology. 25:3354-3364.
Yu X.Q, Polz M.F, Alm E.J.  2019.  Interactions in self-assembled microbial communities saturate with diversity. Isme Journal. 13:1602-1617.
Tresch S., Frey D., Le Bayon R.C, Zanetta A., Rasche F., Fliessbach A., Moretti M..  2019.  Litter decomposition driven by soil fauna, plant diversity and soil management in urban gardens. Science of The Total Environment. 658:1614-1629.