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Fuzy A., Paradi I., Kelemen B., Kovacs R., Cseresnyés I., Szili-Kovacs T., Arendás T., Fodor N., Takacs T..  2023.  Soil biological activity after a sixty-year fertilization practice in a wheat-maize crop rotation. Plos One. 18:18.
Fromin N., Shihan A., Santonja M., Baldy V., Hattenschwiler S..  2020.  Soil microbial activity in a Mediterranean garrigue responds more to changing shrub community than to reduced rainfall. Plant and Soil. 449:405-421.
Fritz J., Jannoura R., Lauer F., Schenk J., Masson P., Joergensen R.G.  2020.  Functional microbial diversity responses to biodynamic management in Burgundian vineyard soils. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture. 36:172-186.
Fritz A.L, Jannoura R., Beuschel R., Steiner C., Buerkert A., Joergensen R.G.  2022.  The combined application of nitrogen and biochar reduced microbial carbon limitation in irrigated soils of West African urban horticulture. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture. 9:12.
Frank G.S, Nakatsu C.H, Jenkins M.A.  2018.  Soil chemistry and microbial community functional responses to invasive shrub removal in mixed hardwood forests. Applied Soil Ecology. 131:75-88.
Foster KR, Bell T.  2012.  Competition, Not Cooperation, Dominates Interactions among Culturable Microbial Species. Current Biology. 22:1845-1850.
Fonseca M.B, Dias T., Carolino M.M, Franca M.GC, Cruz C..  2017.  Belowground microbes mitigate plant-plant competition. Plant Science. 262:175-181.
Florio A., Pommier T., Gervaix J., Bérard A., Le Roux X..  2017.  Soil C and N statuses determine the effect of maize inoculation by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on nitrifying and denitrifying communities. Scientific Reports. 7:12.
Florio A., Brefort C., Gervaix J., Bérard A., Le Roux X..  2019.  The responses of NO2-- and N2O-reducing bacteria to maize inoculation by the PGPR Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1 depend on carbon availability and determine soil gross and net N2O production. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 136:10.
Fikri M., Joulian C., Motelica-Heino M., Norini M.P, Hellal J..  2021.  Resistance and Resilience of Soil Nitrogen Cycling to Drought and Heat Stress in Rehabilitated Urban Soils. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12:14.
Ferrera I., Massana R., Balagué V., Pedrós-Alió C., Sánchez O., Mas J..  2010.  Evaluation of DNA extraction methods from complex phototrophic biofilms. Biofouling. 26:349-357.
Ferrarini A., Martani E., Fornasier F., Amaducci S..  2021.  High C input by perennial energy crops boosts belowground functioning and increases soil organic P content. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 308:15.
Fernández-Gómez MJ, Nogales R, Insam H, Romero E, Goberna M.  2011.  Role of vermicompost chemical composition, microbial functional diversity, and fungal community structure in their microbial respiratory response to three pesticides. Bioresource Technology. 102:9638-9645.
Fernandez M., Vincent G., Dorr E., Bakker S., Lerch T.Z, Leloup J., Korboulewsky N., Bazot S..  2024.  Does forest stand density affect soil microbial communities? Applied Soil Ecology. 195:17.
Fang Y, Van Zwieten L, Rose MT, Vasileiadis S, Donner E, Vancov T, Rigg JL, Weng Z, Lombi E, Drigo B et al..  2022.  Unraveling microbiomes and functions associated with strategic tillage, stubble, and fertilizer management. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 323:107686.
Fan K.K, Chu H.Y, Eldridge D.J, Gaitan J.J, Liu Y.R, Sokoya B., Wang J.T, Hu H.W, He J.Z, Sun W. et al..  2023.  Soil biodiversity supports the delivery of multiple ecosystem functions in urban greenspaces. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 7:113-+.
Evans R., Alessi A.M, Bird S., McQueen-Mason S.J, Bruce N.C, Brockhurst M.A.  2017.  Defining the functional traits that drive bacterial decomposer community productivity. Isme Journal. 11:1680-1687.
Evans R., Beckerman A.P, Wright R.CT, McQueen-Mason S., Bruce N.C, Brockhurst M.A.  2020.  Eco-evolutionary Dynamics Set the Tempo and Trajectory of Metabolic Evolution in Multispecies Communities. Current Biology. 30:10.
Escapa I.F, García J.L, Bühler B., Blank L.M, Prieto M.A.  2012.  The polyhydroxyalkanoate metabolism controls carbon and energy spillage in Pseudomonas putida. Environmental Microbiology. 14:1049-1063.
Erel R., Bérard A., Capowiez L., Doussan C., Arnal D., Souche G., Gavaland A., Fritz C., Visser E.JW, Salvi S. et al..  2017.  Soil type determines how root and rhizosphere traits relate to phosphorus acquisition in field-grown maize genotypes. Plant and Soil. 412:115-132.
Engell I., Linsler D., Sandor M., Joergensen R.G, Meinen C., Potthoff M..  2022.  The Effects of Conservation Tillage on Chemical and Microbial Soil Parameters at Four Sites across Europe. Plants-Basel. 11:12.
Enagbonma BJesuorsemw, Amoo AEunice, Babalola OOluranti.  2021.  Biopedturbation by Termites Affects Respiration Profiles of Microbial Communities from Termite Mound Soils. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 21:2115-2123.
Emad T.M, Sa'eb K., Mary L., Jesus S., Adrian U..  2023.  Soil community catabolic profiles for a semiarid reclaimed surface coalmine. International Journal of Mining Reclamation and Environment. 37:338-354.
Eldridge D.J, Guirado E., Reich P.B, Ochoa-Hueso R., Berdugo M., Saez-Sandino T., Blanco-Pastor J.L, Tedersoo L., Plaza C., Ding J.Y et al..  2023.  The global contribution of soil mosses to ecosystem services. Nature Geoscience. :16.