Title | Impacts of plant domestication on soil microbial and nematode communities during litter decomposition |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2023 |
Authors | Palomino J., Garcia-Palacios P., De Deyn G.B, Martinez-Garcia L.B, Sanchez-Moreno S., Milla R. |
Journal | Plant and Soil |
Volume | 487 |
Pagination | 419-436 |
Date Published | Jun |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0032-079X |
Accession Number | WOS:000937961900002 |
Keywords | Agriculture, amendments, Bacteria, bacterial, diversity, dynamics, ecology, Fungi, indicators, leaf-litter, litter decomposition, Litter quality, nematodes, patterns, plant domestication, Plant Sciences, quality, rates |
Abstract | PurposePlant domestication altered leaf litter quality. Since litter traits relate to soil functions and organisms (i.e., litter decomposition and soil decomposer communities), in this study we explore if domestication-induced changes in litter quality have affected their decomposability, and bacterial, fungal, and nematode communities in the soil.MethodsWe collected leaf litter from herbaceous crops and their wild progenitors, and measured litter chemical and physical traits. Then, we performed a litter decomposition assay on a common soil. After three months of litter incubation, we measured mass loss, nematode richness and community composition in ten crops. We also measured soil bacterial and fungal richness and community composition in six crops.ResultsDomesticated litters had less carbon (C) and leaf dry matter content (LDMC), which accelerated decomposition in comparison to wild litters. Fungal richness was higher in microcosms incubated with domesticated litters, while the effects of domestication on bacterial richness differed among crops. Domestication did not affect nematode richness. The effects of domestication on bacterial and fungal community compositions differed among crops. Soils with domesticated litters tended to have nematode communities with a higher abundance of bacterial feeding nematodes, in comparison to soils fed with wild litters.ConclusionDomestication altered decomposition at different levels. Leaf litter decomposability increased with domestication, which might alter resource inputs into the soil. Feeding soils with domesticated litters had idiosyncratic effects on soil microbes, but consistent effects on soil nematodes. Overall, domestication altered the linkages between crop residues and soil communities differently for bacteria, fungi, and nematodes.
Short Title | Plant SoilPlant Soil |
Alternate Journal | Plant Soil |
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[biblio_abst_e] => PurposePlant domestication altered leaf litter quality. Since litter traits relate to soil functions and organisms (i.e., litter decomposition and soil decomposer communities), in this study we explore if domestication-induced changes in litter quality have affected their decomposability, and bacterial, fungal, and nematode communities in the soil.MethodsWe collected leaf litter from herbaceous crops and their wild progenitors, and measured litter chemical and physical traits. Then, we performed a litter decomposition assay on a common soil. After three months of litter incubation, we measured mass loss, nematode richness and community composition in ten crops. We also measured soil bacterial and fungal richness and community composition in six crops.ResultsDomesticated litters had less carbon (C) and leaf dry matter content (LDMC), which accelerated decomposition in comparison to wild litters. Fungal richness was higher in microcosms incubated with domesticated litters, while the effects of domestication on bacterial richness differed among crops. Domestication did not affect nematode richness. The effects of domestication on bacterial and fungal community compositions differed among crops. Soils with domesticated litters tended to have nematode communities with a higher abundance of bacterial feeding nematodes, in comparison to soils fed with wild litters.ConclusionDomestication altered decomposition at different levels. Leaf litter decomposability increased with domestication, which might alter resource inputs into the soil. Feeding soils with domesticated litters had idiosyncratic effects on soil microbes, but consistent effects on soil nematodes. Overall, domestication altered the linkages between crop residues and soil communities differently for bacteria, fungi, and nematodes.
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Cited Reference Count: 79
Palomino, Javier Garcia-Palacios, Pablo De Deyn, Gerlinde B. B. Martinez-Garcia, Laura Beatriz Sanchez-Moreno, Sara Milla, Ruben
Martinez-Garcia, Laura Beatriz/AAA-4171-2020; Milla, Ruben/A-3739-2009; De Deyn, Gerlinde/C-1593-2009; Garcia-Palacios, Pablo/K-7567-2014
Martinez-Garcia, Laura Beatriz/0000-0002-0648-1955; Sanchez Moreno, Sara/0000-0003-4558-0304; Milla, Ruben/0000-0001-8912-4373; De Deyn, Gerlinde/0000-0003-4823-6912; Garcia-Palacios, Pablo/0000-0002-6367-4761; Palomino de la Rosa, Javier/0000-0002-4263-5034
CRUE-CSIC; Springer Nature
Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.
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Palomino, J (corresponding author), Univ Rey Juan Carlos, Escuela Super Ciencias Expt & Tecnol, Dept Biol & Geol, Area Biodivers & Conservac, Tulipan S-N, Mostoles 28933, Spain.; Garcia-Palacios, P (corresponding author), CSIC, Inst Ciencias Agr, Serrano 115 Bis, Madrid 28006, Spain.
javier.palomino@urjc.es; pablo.garcia@ica.csic.es
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