Title | A sensitive soil biological indicator to changes in land-use in regions with Mediterranean climate |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2022 |
Authors | Steinberger Y., Stein A., Dorman M., Svoray T., Doniger T., Rinot O., Gil E. |
Journal | Scientific Reports |
Volume | 12 |
Pagination | 10 |
Date Published | Dec |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 2045-2322 |
Accession Number | WOS:000965605400030 |
Keywords | communities, diversity, health indicators, management, microbial biomass, PROFILES, quality, respiration, Science & Technology - Other Topics, substrate utilization, SYSTEMS |
Abstract | The demand for reliable indicators to quantify soil health has increased recently. We propose and test the use of soil microbial functional diversity as an indicator of multifunctional performance in agriculturally important areas. Agricultural fields in the Mediterranean and semiarid regions of Israel were selected as test sites and measured in Spring and Autumn seasons. Measurements included microbial parameters, basic soil abiotic properties and biological responses to agricultural management relative to measures of a natural ecosystem. Using a canonical correlation analysis we found that soil moisture was the most important basic soil property with different responses in Spring and Autumn. In Spring, it had a strongly negative relation with microbial biomass (MB), community level physiological profiling (CLPP) and the Shannon-Weaver index H', while in Autumn it had a strong relation with CLPP. We further show a significant interaction between CLPP and climate for land-use type "orchards". CLPP measured in the autumn season was thus identified as a useful and rapid biological soil health indicator, recommended for application in semiarid and Mediterranean agricultural regions. Apart from obtaining a better understanding of CLPP as the soil indicator, the study concludes that CLPP is well suited to differentiate between soils in different climates, seasons and land use types. The study shows a promising direction for further research on characterizing soil health under a larger variety of conditions.
Short Title | Sci RepSci Rep |
Alternate Journal | Sci Rep |
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[title] => A sensitive soil biological indicator to changes in land-use in regions with Mediterranean climate
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[biblio_abst_e] => The demand for reliable indicators to quantify soil health has increased recently. We propose and test the use of soil microbial functional diversity as an indicator of multifunctional performance in agriculturally important areas. Agricultural fields in the Mediterranean and semiarid regions of Israel were selected as test sites and measured in Spring and Autumn seasons. Measurements included microbial parameters, basic soil abiotic properties and biological responses to agricultural management relative to measures of a natural ecosystem. Using a canonical correlation analysis we found that soil moisture was the most important basic soil property with different responses in Spring and Autumn. In Spring, it had a strongly negative relation with microbial biomass (MB), community level physiological profiling (CLPP) and the Shannon-Weaver index H', while in Autumn it had a strong relation with CLPP. We further show a significant interaction between CLPP and climate for land-use type "orchards". CLPP measured in the autumn season was thus identified as a useful and rapid biological soil health indicator, recommended for application in semiarid and Mediterranean agricultural regions. Apart from obtaining a better understanding of CLPP as the soil indicator, the study concludes that CLPP is well suited to differentiate between soils in different climates, seasons and land use types. The study shows a promising direction for further research on characterizing soil health under a larger variety of conditions.
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Times Cited: 0
Cited Reference Count: 52
Steinberger, Yosef Stein, Alfred Dorman, Michael Svoray, Tal Doniger, Tirza Rinot, Oshri Gil, Eshel
Dorman, Michael/F-7389-2010; Svoray, Tal/G-5667-2012
Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development project [20-03-0001]; Bar-Ilan University of Raman Gan; University of Twente; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The work presented here was mainly funded by the Chief Scientist-Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development project #20-03-0001 and also by internal funds by the Bar-Ilan University of Raman Gan, the University of Twente, and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
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[biblio_auth_address] => [Steinberger, Yosef; Doniger, Tirza] Bar Ilan Univ, Mina & Everard Goodman Fac Life Sci, IL-5290002 Ramat Gan, Israel. [Stein, Alfred] Univ Twente, Fac Geoinformat Sci & Earth Observat, POB 217, NL-7500 AE Enschede, Netherlands. [Dorman, Michael; Svoray, Tal] Ben Gurion Univ Negev, Dept Geog & Environm Dev, Beer Sheva, Israel. [Rinot, Oshri] Agr Res Org, Volcani Ctr, Inst Soil Water & Environm Sci, Rishon Leziyyon, Israel. [Gil, Eshel] Minist Agr & Rural Dev, Soil Eros Res Stn, HaMaccabim Rd,POB 30, IL-50200 Rishon Leziyyon, Beit Dagan, Israel. VOLCANI INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH
Steinberger, Y (corresponding author), Bar Ilan Univ, Mina & Everard Goodman Fac Life Sci, IL-5290002 Ramat Gan, Israel.
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