Title | Latent functional diversity may accelerate microbial community responses to temperature fluctuations |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2022 |
Authors | Smith T.P, Mombrikotb S., Ransome E., Kontopoulos D.G, Pawar S., Bell T. |
Journal | ElifeElife |
Volume | 11 |
Pagination | 22 |
Date Published | Nov |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 2050-084X |
Accession Number | WOS:000892574400001 |
Keywords | Bacteria, cooperation, diversity, experimental evolution, generalists, Life Sciences & Biomedicine - Other Topics, operon copy number, Other, populations, respiration, soil, specialists, succession, temperature, thermal response, thermophilic bacteria |
Abstract | How complex microbial communities respond to climatic fluctuations remains an open question. Due to their relatively short generation times and high functional diversity, microbial populations harbor great potential to respond as a community through a combination of strain-level phenotypic plasticity, adaptation, and species sorting. However, the relative importance of these mechanisms remains unclear. We conducted a laboratory experiment to investigate the degree to which bacterial communities can respond to changes in environmental temperature through a combination of phenotypic plasticity and species sorting alone. We grew replicate soil communities from a single location at six temperatures between 4 & DEG;C and 50 & DEG;C. We found that phylogenetically and functionally distinct communities emerge at each of these temperatures, with K-strategist taxa favored under cooler conditions and r-strategist taxa under warmer conditions. We show that this dynamic emergence of distinct communities across a wide range of temperatures (in essence, community-level adaptation) is driven by the resuscitation of latent functional diversity: the parent community harbors multiple strains pre-adapted to different temperatures that are able to 'switch on' at their preferred temperature without immigration or adaptation. Our findings suggest that microbial community function in nature is likely to respond rapidly to climatic temperature fluctuations through shifts in species composition by resuscitation of latent functional diversity.
Short Title | eLifeeLife |
Alternate Journal | eLife |
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[biblio_abst_e] => How complex microbial communities respond to climatic fluctuations remains an open question. Due to their relatively short generation times and high functional diversity, microbial populations harbor great potential to respond as a community through a combination of strain-level phenotypic plasticity, adaptation, and species sorting. However, the relative importance of these mechanisms remains unclear. We conducted a laboratory experiment to investigate the degree to which bacterial communities can respond to changes in environmental temperature through a combination of phenotypic plasticity and species sorting alone. We grew replicate soil communities from a single location at six temperatures between 4 & DEG;C and 50 & DEG;C. We found that phylogenetically and functionally distinct communities emerge at each of these temperatures, with K-strategist taxa favored under cooler conditions and r-strategist taxa under warmer conditions. We show that this dynamic emergence of distinct communities across a wide range of temperatures (in essence, community-level adaptation) is driven by the resuscitation of latent functional diversity: the parent community harbors multiple strains pre-adapted to different temperatures that are able to 'switch on' at their preferred temperature without immigration or adaptation. Our findings suggest that microbial community function in nature is likely to respond rapidly to climatic temperature fluctuations through shifts in species composition by resuscitation of latent functional diversity.
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Times Cited: 0
Cited Reference Count: 85
Smith, Thomas P. Mombrikotb, Shorok Ransome, Emma Kontopoulos, Dimitrios-Georgios Pawar, Samraat Bell, Thomas
; Kontopoulos, Dimitrios - Georgios/H-5822-2019
Bell, Thomas/0000-0002-2615-3932; Kontopoulos, Dimitrios - Georgios/0000-0002-5082-1929; Pawar, Samraat/0000-0001-8375-5684; Smith, Tom/0000-0002-4038-9722
BBSRC DTP scholarship; NERC; [BB/J014575/1]; [NE/M020843/1]; [NE/S000348/1]
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.
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Smith, TP (corresponding author), Imperial Coll London, Georgina Mace Ctr Living Planet, Ascot, England.
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