Title | Biopedturbation by Termites Affects Respiration Profiles of Microbial Communities from Termite Mound Soils |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2021 |
Authors | Enagbonma BJesuorsemw, Amoo AEunice, Babalola OOluranti |
Journal | Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition |
Volume | 21 |
Pagination | 2115-2123 |
Date Published | 2021/09/01 |
ISBN Number | 0718-9516 |
Abstract | To explain the differences in microbial diversity between soil from termite mounds and their nearby soils, we evaluated the impact of termite biopedturbation on the respiration profiles of microorganisms from termite mound soils. The MicroRespTM technique was employed to assess the whole-soils’ community-level-physiological-profiles (CLPP) assays using 21 carbon substrates chosen on the ground of significance to biotas dwellings in the soil. Principal component analyses showed that carbon substrate groups in the soils from termite mound were separated from those of the nearby soils. The results supported our first premise that the CLPP of soils from termite mounds could be distinguishable from the CLPP of the nearby soil and the degree of the differences was based on which substrates were added in the analysis. The assumption that any variance established in the CLPP could be attributed to a higher use of structurally complex carbon substrates in soils from termite mounds compared to the nearby soil samples was also supported. The higher soil respiration and the capacity to degrade carbon sources in soils from termite mounds than the nearby soil samples connote a rise in microbial functional diversity due to the differences in the diversity of microorganisms between both habitats.
Short Title | J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. |
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