Title | Evaluating Heathland Restoration Belowground Using Different Quality Indices of Soil Chemical and Biological Properties |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Authors | Duddigan S., Gil-Martinez M., Fraser T., Green I., Diaz A., Sizmur T., Pawlett M., Raulund-Rasmussen K., Tibbett M. |
Journal | Agronomy-Basel |
Volume | 10 |
Pagination | 22 |
Date Published | Aug |
Type of Article | Article |
Accession Number | WOS:000564640700001 |
Keywords | acid grassland, acidification, Agriculture, arable soils, Biological indicators, biomass, extraction, heathland, heathland restoration index, land-use, lowland heathland, microbial communities, PHOSPHOLIPID FATTY-ACID, Plant Sciences, PROFILES, re-creation, Restoration ecology, Soil biology |
Abstract | Reversion of agricultural land to heathland and acid grassland is a priority for the conservation of these rare habitats. Restoration processes require interventions to reverse the effects of fertilization and acidity amelioration undertaken during decades of agricultural production. Belowground assessments of restoration success are few, and we have examined the utility of soil indices as a rationalized tool for land managers and restoration practitioners to assess the efficacy of restoration practice. To achieve this, we assessed a large number of variables, many of which might be near redundant, that could be optimized for such indices. We used a 14-year field experiment contrasting acidified pasture (treated with elemental sulphur), control (untreated) pasture, and adjacent native heathland and acid grassland sites. Based on biotic and abiotic parameters, several 'heathland restoration indices' (resembling soil quality indices) were generated using a minimum dataset identified through principal component analysis and a linear scoring system. For comparison we also conducted alternative analyses of all parameters, using nonmetric multidimensional scaling plots and analyses of similarity (ANOSIM). Use of heathland restoration indices showed that elemental sulphur application had changed the soil chemical conditions, along with the vegetation assemblage, to be comparable to that of native acid grassland, but not the belowground biology. ANOSIM on full datasets confirmed this finding. An index based on key variables, rather than an analysis of all biotic and abiotic parameters, can be valuable to land managers and stakeholders in acid grassland and heathland restoration. |
Short Title | Agronomy-BaselAgronomy-Basel |
Alternate Journal | Agronomy-Basel |
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- Evaluating Heathland Restoration Belowground Using Different Quality Indices of Soil Chemical and Biological Properties
Evaluating Heathland Restoration Belowground Using Different Quality Indices of Soil Chemical and Biological Properties
stdClass Object ( [vid] => 596 [uid] => 11 [title] => Evaluating Heathland Restoration Belowground Using Different Quality Indices of Soil Chemical and Biological Properties [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 0 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 518 [type] => biblio [language] => und [created] => 1616411793 [changed] => 1616411793 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1616411793 [revision_uid] => 11 [biblio_type] => 102 [biblio_number] => 8 [biblio_other_number] => [biblio_sort_title] => Evaluating Heathland Restoration Belowground Using Different Qua [biblio_secondary_title] => Agronomy-Basel [biblio_tertiary_title] => [biblio_edition] => [biblio_publisher] => [biblio_place_published] => [biblio_year] => 2020 [biblio_volume] => 10 [biblio_pages] => 22 [biblio_date] => Aug [biblio_isbn] => [biblio_lang] => English [biblio_abst_e] => Reversion of agricultural land to heathland and acid grassland is a priority for the conservation of these rare habitats. Restoration processes require interventions to reverse the effects of fertilization and acidity amelioration undertaken during decades of agricultural production. Belowground assessments of restoration success are few, and we have examined the utility of soil indices as a rationalized tool for land managers and restoration practitioners to assess the efficacy of restoration practice. To achieve this, we assessed a large number of variables, many of which might be near redundant, that could be optimized for such indices. We used a 14-year field experiment contrasting acidified pasture (treated with elemental sulphur), control (untreated) pasture, and adjacent native heathland and acid grassland sites. Based on biotic and abiotic parameters, several 'heathland restoration indices' (resembling soil quality indices) were generated using a minimum dataset identified through principal component analysis and a linear scoring system. For comparison we also conducted alternative analyses of all parameters, using nonmetric multidimensional scaling plots and analyses of similarity (ANOSIM). Use of heathland restoration indices showed that elemental sulphur application had changed the soil chemical conditions, along with the vegetation assemblage, to be comparable to that of native acid grassland, but not the belowground biology. ANOSIM on full datasets confirmed this finding. An index based on key variables, rather than an analysis of all biotic and abiotic parameters, can be valuable to land managers and stakeholders in acid grassland and heathland restoration. [biblio_abst_f] => [biblio_full_text] => 0 [biblio_url] => [biblio_issue] => [biblio_type_of_work] => Article [biblio_accession_number] => WOS:000564640700001 [biblio_call_number] => [biblio_notes] => ISI Document Delivery No.: NH4KN
Times Cited: 0
Cited Reference Count: 82
Duddigan, Sarah Gil-Martinez, Marta Fraser, Tandra Green, Iain Diaz, Anita Sizmur, Tom Pawlett, Mark Raulund-Rasmussen, Karsten Tibbett, Mark
; Green, Iain/B-4457-2009; Sizmur, Tom/F-4532-2018; Raulund-Rasmussen, Karsten/E-8424-2015
Pawlett, Mark/0000-0001-8060-0345; Green, Iain/0000-0002-0418-3524; Sizmur, Tom/0000-0001-9835-7195; Raulund-Rasmussen, Karsten/0000-0003-1573-1167; Tibbett, Mark/0000-0003-0143-2190; Duddigan, Sarah/0000-0002-6228-4462
European UnionEuropean Commission [603498]
This project was part of theRECAREproject (http://www.recare-project.eu/), which received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development, and demonstration under grant agreement no. 603498.
2073-4395 [biblio_custom1] => [biblio_custom2] => [biblio_custom3] => [biblio_custom4] => [biblio_custom5] => [biblio_custom6] => [biblio_custom7] => 1140 [biblio_research_notes] => [biblio_number_of_volumes] => [biblio_short_title] => Agronomy-BaselAgronomy-Basel [biblio_alternate_title] => Agronomy-Basel [biblio_original_publication] => [biblio_reprint_edition] => [biblio_translated_title] => [biblio_section] => [biblio_citekey] => 518 [biblio_coins] => [biblio_doi] => [biblio_issn] => [biblio_auth_address] => [Duddigan, Sarah; Fraser, Tandra; Tibbett, Mark] Univ Reading, Dept Sustainable Land Management, Sch Agr Policy & Dev, Reading RG6 6AR, Berks, England. [Duddigan, Sarah; Fraser, Tandra; Tibbett, Mark] Univ Reading, Soil Res Ctr, Sch Agr Policy & Dev, Reading RG6 6AR, Berks, England. [Gil-Martinez, Marta] Inst Nat Resources & Agrobiol Seville, Dept Protect Soil Plant Water Syst, Seville 41012, Spain. [Green, Iain; Diaz, Anita] Bournemouth Univ, Fac Sci & Technol, Dept Life & Environm Sci, Poole BH12 5BB, Dorset, England. [Sizmur, Tom] Univ Reading, Dept Geog & Environm Sci, Reading RG6 6DW, Berks, England. [Pawlett, Mark] Cranfield Univ, Sch Water Energy & Environm, Cranfield MK43 0AL, Beds, England. [Raulund-Rasmussen, Karsten] Univ Copenhagen, Dept Geosci & Nat Resource Management, Rolighedsvej 23, DK-1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark.
Tibbett, M (corresponding author), Univ Reading, Dept Sustainable Land Management, Sch Agr Policy & Dev, Reading RG6 6AR, Berks, England.; Tibbett, M (corresponding author), Univ Reading, Soil Res Ctr, Sch Agr Policy & Dev, Reading RG6 6AR, Berks, England.
s.duddigan@reading.ac.uk; marta.gil@irnas.csic.es; tandra.fraser@canada.ca; IGreen@bournemouth.ac.uk; ADiaz@bournemouth.ac.uk; t.sizmur@reading.ac.uk; m.pawlett@cranfield.ac.uk; krr@ign.ku.dk; m.tibbett@reading.ac.uk [biblio_remote_db_name] => [biblio_remote_db_provider] => [biblio_label] => [biblio_access_date] => [biblio_refereed] => [biblio_md5] => edaeaa05e861cd6377ee9e8a6d7de7a8 [biblio_formats] => Array ( [biblio_abst_e] => full_html [biblio_abst_f] => full_html [biblio_notes] => full_html [biblio_research_notes] => full_html [biblio_custom1] => full_html [biblio_custom2] => full_html [biblio_custom3] => full_html [biblio_custom4] => full_html [biblio_custom5] => full_html [biblio_custom6] => full_html [biblio_custom7] => full_html [biblio_coins] => full_html [biblio_auth_address] => full_html ) [biblio_type_name] => Journal Article [biblio_contributors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [nid] => 518 [vid] => 596 [cid] => 1212 [auth_type] => 1 [auth_category] => 1 [rank] => 0 [merge_cid] => 0 [aka] => 0 [alt_form] => 0 [drupal_uid] => [name] => Duddigan, S. 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