Title | Interactions in self-assembled microbial communities saturate with diversity |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Authors | Yu X.Q, Polz M.F, Alm E.J |
Journal | Isme Journal |
Volume | 13 |
Pagination | 1602-1617 |
Date Published | Jun |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 1751-7362 |
Accession Number | WOS:000468529400017 |
Keywords | Bacteria, biodiversity, database, determines, Environmental Sciences & Ecology, evolution, growth, Microbiology, populations, species interactions, tools |
Abstract | How the diversity of organisms competing for or sharing resources influences community function is an important question in ecology but has rarely been explored in natural microbial communities. These generally contain large numbers of species making it difficult to disentangle how the effects of different interactions scale with diversity. Here, we show that changing diversity affects measures of community function in relatively simple communities but that increasing richness beyond a threshold has little detectable effect. We generated self-assembled communities with a wide range of diversity by growth of cells from serially diluted seawater on brown algal leachate. We subsequently isolated the most abundant taxa from these communities via dilution-to-extinction in order to compare productivity functions of the entire community to those of individual taxa. To parse the effect of different types of organismal interactions, we defined relative total function (RTF) as an index for positive or negative effects of diversity on community function. Our analysis identified three overall regimes with increasing diversity. At low richness (<12 taxa), positive and negative effects of interactions were both weak, while at moderate richness (12-26 taxa), community resource uptake increased but the carbon use efficiency decreased. Finally, beyond 26 taxa, the effect of interactions on community function saturated and further diversity increases did not affect community function. Although more diverse communities had overall greater access to resources, on average individual taxa within these communities had lower resource availability and reduced carbon use efficiency. Our results thus suggest competition and complementation simultaneously increase with diversity but both saturate at a threshold.
Short Title | Isme J.Isme J. |
Alternate Journal | Isme J. |
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[biblio_date] => Jun
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[biblio_abst_e] => How the diversity of organisms competing for or sharing resources influences community function is an important question in ecology but has rarely been explored in natural microbial communities. These generally contain large numbers of species making it difficult to disentangle how the effects of different interactions scale with diversity. Here, we show that changing diversity affects measures of community function in relatively simple communities but that increasing richness beyond a threshold has little detectable effect. We generated self-assembled communities with a wide range of diversity by growth of cells from serially diluted seawater on brown algal leachate. We subsequently isolated the most abundant taxa from these communities via dilution-to-extinction in order to compare productivity functions of the entire community to those of individual taxa. To parse the effect of different types of organismal interactions, we defined relative total function (RTF) as an index for positive or negative effects of diversity on community function. Our analysis identified three overall regimes with increasing diversity. At low richness (<12 taxa), positive and negative effects of interactions were both weak, while at moderate richness (12-26 taxa), community resource uptake increased but the carbon use efficiency decreased. Finally, beyond 26 taxa, the effect of interactions on community function saturated and further diversity increases did not affect community function. Although more diverse communities had overall greater access to resources, on average individual taxa within these communities had lower resource availability and reduced carbon use efficiency. Our results thus suggest competition and complementation simultaneously increase with diversity but both saturate at a threshold.
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Times Cited: 0
Cited Reference Count: 49
Yu, Xiaoqian Polz, Martin F. Alm, Eric J.
U.S. Department of Energy [DE-SC0008743]; Lord Foundation Graduate Fellowship
This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DE-SC0008743) to M.F.P. and E.J.A. X.Y was partially supported by a Lord Foundation Graduate Fellowship. We are grateful to Christopher Corzett for providing us dried Fucus and for helpful discussions, and Michael Cutler for laboratory assistance. We thank the BioMicroCenter at MIT for their assistance with sequencing, and the Koch Institute Flow Cytometry Core for their assistance on flow cytometry. We thank the Chisholm lab and the Weiss Lab at MIT for allowing us to use their qPCR machines. We also wish to thank Sean Gibbons, Chuliang Song, Serguei Saavedra, Sean Kearney, Fangqiong Ling, Joseph Elsherbini, and Fabiola Miranda for helpful discussions and/or comments on various versions of this manuscript.
Nature publishing group
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Polz, MF; Alm, EJ (reprint author), MIT, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA.; Alm, EJ (reprint author), MIT, Dept Biol Engn, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA.; Alm, EJ (reprint author), MIT, Ctr Microbiome Informat & Therapeut, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA.; Alm, EJ (reprint author), Broad Inst MIT & Harvard, Cambridge, MA 02142 USA.
mpolz@mit.edu; ejalm@mit.edu
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