Title | Nutrient availability affects carbon turnover and microbial physiology differently in topsoil and subsoil under a temperate grassland |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Authors | Liang Z., Olesen J.E, Jensen J.L, Elsgaard L. |
Journal | Geoderma |
Volume | 336 |
Pagination | 22-30 |
Date Published | Feb |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0016-7061 |
Accession Number | WOS:000447108600003 |
Keywords | Agriculture, c-turnover, carbon turnover, communities, decomposition, land-use, limitation, Microbial activity, nitrogen, nutrient stoichiometry, phosphorus, respiration, sequestration, soil organic-matter, Subsoil, sulfur cycle |
Abstract | Increasing subsoil organic carbon (C) inputs could potentially mitigate climate change by sequestering atmospheric CO2. Yet, microbial turnover and stabilization of labile C in subsoils are regulated by complex mechanisms including the availability of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and sulfur (S). The present study mimicked labile organic C input using a versatile substrate (glucose) to address the interaction between C-induced mineralization, N-P-S availability, and microbial physiology in topsoil (20 cm) and subsoil (60, 100, and 300 cm) from a temperate agricultural sandy loam soil. A factorial incubation study (42 days) showed that net losses of added C in topsoil were constant, whereas C losses in subsoils varied according to nutrient treatments. Glucose added to subsoil in combination with N was fully depleted, whereas glucose added alone or in combination with P and S was only partly depleted, and remarkably 59-92% of the added glucose was recovered after the incubation. This showed that N limitation largely controlled C turnover in the subsoil, which was also reflected by microbial processes where addition of glucose and N increased beta-glucosidase activity, which was positively correlated to the maximum CO2 production rate during incubation. The importance of N limitation was substantiated by subsoil profiles of C source utilization, where microbial metabolic diversity was mainly related to the absence or presence of added N. Overall, the results documented that labile C turnover and microbial functions in a temperate agricultural subsoil was controlled to a large extent by N availability. Effects of glucose induced microbial activity on subsoil physical properties remained ambiguous due to apparent chemical effects of N (nitrate) on clay dispersibility.
Alternate Journal | Geoderma |
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[biblio_abst_e] => Increasing subsoil organic carbon (C) inputs could potentially mitigate climate change by sequestering atmospheric CO2. Yet, microbial turnover and stabilization of labile C in subsoils are regulated by complex mechanisms including the availability of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and sulfur (S). The present study mimicked labile organic C input using a versatile substrate (glucose) to address the interaction between C-induced mineralization, N-P-S availability, and microbial physiology in topsoil (20 cm) and subsoil (60, 100, and 300 cm) from a temperate agricultural sandy loam soil. A factorial incubation study (42 days) showed that net losses of added C in topsoil were constant, whereas C losses in subsoils varied according to nutrient treatments. Glucose added to subsoil in combination with N was fully depleted, whereas glucose added alone or in combination with P and S was only partly depleted, and remarkably 59-92% of the added glucose was recovered after the incubation. This showed that N limitation largely controlled C turnover in the subsoil, which was also reflected by microbial processes where addition of glucose and N increased beta-glucosidase activity, which was positively correlated to the maximum CO2 production rate during incubation. The importance of N limitation was substantiated by subsoil profiles of C source utilization, where microbial metabolic diversity was mainly related to the absence or presence of added N. Overall, the results documented that labile C turnover and microbial functions in a temperate agricultural subsoil was controlled to a large extent by N availability. Effects of glucose induced microbial activity on subsoil physical properties remained ambiguous due to apparent chemical effects of N (nitrate) on clay dispersibility.
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[biblio_accession_number] => WOS:000447108600003
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[biblio_notes] => ISI Document Delivery No.: GW6XO
Times Cited: 4
Cited Reference Count: 54
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Liang, Zhi Olesen, Jurgen Eivind Jensen, Johannes Lund Elsgaard, Lars
Olesen, Jorgen E/C-2905-2016; Olesen, Jorgen/Y-2857-2019
Olesen, Jorgen E/0000-0002-6639-1273; Liang, Zhi/0000-0002-9510-9281
Deep Frontier project - Villum Foundation
We thank Karin Dyrberg, Bodil Stensgaard, and Margit Paulsen for skilled assistance in laboratory work. We also thank Lars J. Munkholm for discussions on clay dispersibility and two journal reviewers for valuable comments. This work was supported by the Deep Frontier project funded by the Villum Foundation.
Elsevier science bv
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