Title | Pathogen-induced tree mortality interacts with predicted climate change to alter soil respiration and nutrient availability in Mediterranean systems |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Authors | Avila J.M, Gallardo A., Gomez-Aparicio L. |
Journal | Biogeochemistry |
Volume | 142 |
Pagination | 53-71 |
Date Published | Jan |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0168-2563 |
Accession Number | WOS:000454598000004 |
Keywords | anion-exchange membranes, Aridity, Climate change, drought, ecosystem carbon, Environmental Sciences & Ecology, Forest disease, forests, Geology, Global change, implications, litter decomposition, long-term changes, Mediterranean shrubs, microbial biomass, Non-additive effects, nutritional-status, Oak decline, Pathogen, phosphatase-activity, Phytophthora cinnamomi, phytophthora-cinnamomi, Plant diversity, Quercus suber, Soil nutrients, Soil respiration, Warming |
Abstract | Ecosystems worldwide must simultaneously cope with several global change drivers with potential strong effects on ecosystem functioning. These drivers might interact in unexpected ways, but our still limited understanding of these interactive effects precludes us from predicting the impact of global change on ecosystem functioning. In this study we assessed the direct effects of pathogen-induced tree mortality and predicted warming and drought on C, N and P in Mediterranean forest soils affected by the decline of their dominant tree species (i.e. Quercus suber) due to the invasive pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi. We also explored the potential indirect effects due to species replacement after Q. suber mortality. To achieve our goal, we conducted a soil incubation experiment using soils collected under Q. suber trees with different health status (i.e. healthy, defoliated and dead trees) and from coexistent shrubs (i.e. pioneer and late successional shrubs). These soils were incubated under controlled temperatures and soil moistures, mimicking various climate change scenarios predicted for 2050 and 2100 in the Mediterranean Basin. Our results showed that P. cinnamomi-induced mortality and future warming and drought may interact to simultaneously alter biogeochemical cycles in Q. suber forest soils. Resistance of studied variables to changes in temperature and moisture tended to be lower for dead trees than for healthy and defoliated trees. Moreover, we found that soil respiration and nutrient availability might be affected indirectly by P. cinnamomi-induced mortality due to species replacement. Overall, our results support a high potential of invasive pathogen species for modifying the response of soil functioning to climatic stressors. |
Alternate Journal | Biogeochemistry |
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- Pathogen-induced tree mortality interacts with predicted climate change to alter soil respiration and nutrient availability in Mediterranean systems
Pathogen-induced tree mortality interacts with predicted climate change to alter soil respiration and nutrient availability in Mediterranean systems
stdClass Object ( [vid] => 524 [uid] => 1 [title] => Pathogen-induced tree mortality interacts with predicted climate change to alter soil respiration and nutrient availability in Mediterranean systems [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 0 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 0 [nid] => 471 [type] => biblio [language] => und [created] => 1584009568 [changed] => 1584009568 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [revision_timestamp] => 1584009568 [revision_uid] => 11 [biblio_type] => 102 [biblio_number] => 1 [biblio_other_number] => [biblio_sort_title] => Pathogeninduced tree mortality interacts with predicted climate [biblio_secondary_title] => Biogeochemistry [biblio_tertiary_title] => [biblio_edition] => [biblio_publisher] => [biblio_place_published] => [biblio_year] => 2019 [biblio_volume] => 142 [biblio_pages] => 53-71 [biblio_date] => Jan [biblio_isbn] => 0168-2563 [biblio_lang] => English [biblio_abst_e] => Ecosystems worldwide must simultaneously cope with several global change drivers with potential strong effects on ecosystem functioning. These drivers might interact in unexpected ways, but our still limited understanding of these interactive effects precludes us from predicting the impact of global change on ecosystem functioning. In this study we assessed the direct effects of pathogen-induced tree mortality and predicted warming and drought on C, N and P in Mediterranean forest soils affected by the decline of their dominant tree species (i.e. Quercus suber) due to the invasive pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi. We also explored the potential indirect effects due to species replacement after Q. suber mortality. To achieve our goal, we conducted a soil incubation experiment using soils collected under Q. suber trees with different health status (i.e. healthy, defoliated and dead trees) and from coexistent shrubs (i.e. pioneer and late successional shrubs). These soils were incubated under controlled temperatures and soil moistures, mimicking various climate change scenarios predicted for 2050 and 2100 in the Mediterranean Basin. Our results showed that P. cinnamomi-induced mortality and future warming and drought may interact to simultaneously alter biogeochemical cycles in Q. suber forest soils. Resistance of studied variables to changes in temperature and moisture tended to be lower for dead trees than for healthy and defoliated trees. Moreover, we found that soil respiration and nutrient availability might be affected indirectly by P. cinnamomi-induced mortality due to species replacement. Overall, our results support a high potential of invasive pathogen species for modifying the response of soil functioning to climatic stressors. [biblio_abst_f] => [biblio_full_text] => 0 [biblio_url] => [biblio_issue] => [biblio_type_of_work] => Article [biblio_accession_number] => WOS:000454598000004 [biblio_call_number] => [biblio_notes] => ISI Document Delivery No.: HF9YF
Times Cited: 3
Cited Reference Count: 106
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Manuel Avila, Jose Gallardo, Antonio Gomez-Aparicio, Lorena
Gallardo, Antonio/L-3941-2017; Avila, Jose Manuel/P-5981-2014
Gallardo, Antonio/0000-0002-2674-4265; Avila, Jose Manuel/0000-0002-7075-7450
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN)Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) [CGL2010-21381, CGL2011-26877, CGL2014-56739-R]; FPU-MEC Grant [AP2010-0229]
We thank the director and technicians of Los Alcornocales Natural Park for facilities and support to carry out the field work. We specially thank to Ana Prado and Ana Pozuelos for invaluable field and laboratory assistance. This research was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) projects CGL2010-21381, CGL2011-26877 (RETROBOS) and CGL2014-56739-R (INTERCAPA). J.M.A. was supported by a FPU-MEC Grant (AP2010-0229).
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Avila, JM (reprint author), CSIC, Inst Recursos Nat & Agrobiol IRNAS, Av Reina Mercedes 10, ES-41012 Seville, Spain.
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