Title | Sewage sludge addition modifies soil microbial communities and plant performance depending on the sludge stabilization process |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2016 |
Authors | Lloret E., Pascual J.A, Brodie E.L, Bouskill N.J, Insam H., Juarez M.FD, Goberna M. |
Journal | Applied Soil Ecology |
Volume | 101 |
Pagination | 37-46 |
Date Published | May |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0929-1393 |
Accession Number | WOS:000375121300006 |
Keywords | aerobic digestion atad, Agriculture, amendments, archaea, bacterial, bacterial community, chlorophyll fluorescence, community, diversity, Fungal, nitrogen, organic amendment, physiology, Plant performance, Pyrosequencing, reactor, substrate utilization, YIELD |
Abstract | Despite the widespread use of sewage sludge as an organic amendment to improve soil stability and plant productivity, relatively little is known about how the different sludge stabilization processes affect the microbial composition and diversity of the sludge and the soil microbial populations as well as plant performance. In this study, the effects caused by addition of thermophilic aerobic (ATAD) and mesophilic anaerobic (MAD) sludge and inorganic fertilization on soil microbial community structure and diversity was assessed by pyrosequencing of 16S and 18S rRNA genes. Melon (Cucumis melo L., cv. Giotto) was used as model crop and its performance (growth and physiological state) was monitored together with changes in soil chemical parameters. Our results showed that the stabilization process of sewage sludge determined the feasibility of the final by-product as an organic amendment by altering in different manner the soil environment and modifying the soil microbial community structure and functioning. Changes in soil microbial community were related more to changes in the soil chemical environment rather than to the introduction of sludge-borne microorganisms. We also have shown that changes in a single physicochemical parameter (electrical conductivity) due to sludge application are associated with a pronounced shift in microbial community structure and activity as well as in plant performance. Along these lines, we showed that the application of ATAD sludge into soil resulted in less pronounced changes in its chemistry and microbial community structure, while enhancing soil microbial activity and plant performance. This study shows, therefore, that ATAD sludge could be applied as an excellent alternative to MAD sludge or inorganic fertilization. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Short Title | Appl. Soil Ecol.Appl. Soil Ecol. |
Alternate Journal | Appl. Soil Ecol. |
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[title] => Sewage sludge addition modifies soil microbial communities and plant performance depending on the sludge stabilization process
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[biblio_sort_title] => Sewage sludge addition modifies soil microbial communities and p
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[biblio_abst_e] => Despite the widespread use of sewage sludge as an organic amendment to improve soil stability and plant productivity, relatively little is known about how the different sludge stabilization processes affect the microbial composition and diversity of the sludge and the soil microbial populations as well as plant performance. In this study, the effects caused by addition of thermophilic aerobic (ATAD) and mesophilic anaerobic (MAD) sludge and inorganic fertilization on soil microbial community structure and diversity was assessed by pyrosequencing of 16S and 18S rRNA genes. Melon (Cucumis melo L., cv. Giotto) was used as model crop and its performance (growth and physiological state) was monitored together with changes in soil chemical parameters. Our results showed that the stabilization process of sewage sludge determined the feasibility of the final by-product as an organic amendment by altering in different manner the soil environment and modifying the soil microbial community structure and functioning. Changes in soil microbial community were related more to changes in the soil chemical environment rather than to the introduction of sludge-borne microorganisms. We also have shown that changes in a single physicochemical parameter (electrical conductivity) due to sludge application are associated with a pronounced shift in microbial community structure and activity as well as in plant performance. Along these lines, we showed that the application of ATAD sludge into soil resulted in less pronounced changes in its chemistry and microbial community structure, while enhancing soil microbial activity and plant performance. This study shows, therefore, that ATAD sludge could be applied as an excellent alternative to MAD sludge or inorganic fertilization. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Times Cited: 0
Cited Reference Count: 58
Lloret, Eva Pascual, Jose A. Brodie, Eoin L. Bouskill, Nicholas J. Insam, Heribert Juarez, Marina Fernandez-Delgado Goberna, Marta
Bouskill, Nick/G-2390-2015; Brodie, Eoin/A-7853-2008; Pascual, Jose /I-9021-2012
Brodie, Eoin/0000-0002-8453-8435; Pascual, Jose /0000-0001-7485-1092; Goberna, Marta/0000-0001-5303-3429
JAE Programme (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain); JAE Programme (European Social Fund); Spanish National Plan I+D+i [324/pc08/2-04.3]; EU Marie Curie Program [FP7-PEOPLE-2009-RG-248155]; Department of Energy [De-AC02-05CH11231]
This work was supported by the JAE Programme (co-funded by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain, and the European Social Fund) and the project 324/pc08/2-04.3 included in the Spanish National Plan I+D+i 2008-2011. M. Goberna acknowledges support by the EU Marie Curie Program (FP7-PEOPLE-2009-RG-248155). Part of this work was performed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory under the Department of Energy Contract No. De-AC02-05CH11231 and at the Institute of Microbiology, University of Innsbruck, with BioTreat funds. We thank P. Fraiz for English language editing, U. Karaoz for assistance with sequence data analysis and D. Beltran for his support and encouragement on this work.
Elsevier science bv
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[biblio_auth_address] => [Lloret, Eva; Pascual, Jose A.; Goberna, Marta] CSIC, CEBAS, Campus Univ Espinardo,Aptdo Correos 164, Murcia 30100, Spain. [Lloret, Eva; Brodie, Eoin L.; Bouskill, Nicholas J.] Univ Calif Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, Dept Ecol, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA. [Brodie, Eoin L.] Univ Calif Berkeley, Dept Environm Sci Policy & Management, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA. [Insam, Heribert; Juarez, Marina Fernandez-Delgado] Univ Innsbruck, Inst Microbiol, Technikerstr 25d, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria. [Goberna, Marta] GV, UVEG, CSIC, Ctr Invest Desertificac, Carretera Moncada Naquera,Km 4-5, Valencia 46113, Spain.
Lloret, E (reprint author), CSIC, CEBAS, Campus Univ Espinardo,Aptdo Correos 164, Murcia 30100, Spain.; Lloret, E (reprint author), Univ Calif Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, Dept Ecol, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA.
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