Soil functional resistance and stability are linked to different ecosystem properties

TitleSoil functional resistance and stability are linked to different ecosystem properties
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsWakelin S.A, Macdonald L.M, O'Callaghan M., Forrester S.T, Condron L.M
JournalAustral Ecology
Date PublishedAug
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number1442-9985
Accession NumberWOS:000339421000004
Keywordsbiomass, catabolic diversity, DISTURBANCE, functional stability, microbial communities, MicroResp, PARTIAL LEAST-SQUARES, patterns, phosphorus, physiological profiles, resilience, resistance, SCALE, soil

The functional resistance and resilience of soils from across the South Island of New Zealand were assessed. Soils were collected from under varying land-uses (pasture, pine forest, native forest) at each of four different locations (Hokitika, Craigieburn, Eyrewell, Orton Bradley Park). Soil function was measured using carbon utilization profiles (MicroResp technique), and responses to freeze-thaw disturbance assessed in a multivariate approach. Resistance was defined as the amount of change in functional profiles (multivariate distance) before, and then 10 h after, disturbance. Resilience was defined as the stability in ecosystem function over time (6 sample points spanning 17 days after initial freeze-thaw disturbance). The functional resistance of soils was not linked to land-use nor sampling location (permanova P > 0.05) but was negatively correlated with soil Olsen-P levels (biological-environmental matching (BIO-ENV test); rho = 0.604, P = 0.04). Secondary factors associated with soil organic matter status were associated with functional resistance in soil of low Olsen-P. This was explicitly tested by repeating the experiment in soils collected from a long-term P fertilizer management trial; functional resistance remained linked to the underlying P status of the soils (P = 0.002). The functional stability of soil (post-disturbance) was associated with long-term rainfall (canonical analysis on principal coordinates - CAP analysis; P = 0.039); soils from high rainfall sites were more stable after disturbance. The results show that variables linked to functional resistance and resilience in soils are different. Furthermore, resilience was not correlated with resistance, or with measures of functional diversity (e. g. evenness of substrate mineralization). Alteration of the P status of soils is likely to impact on the capacity of soils to rapidly respond to disturbance, whereas drivers of climate, such as global warming, may impact soil functional resilience.

Short TitleAustral Ecol.Austral Ecol.
Alternate JournalAustral Ecol.
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    [title] => Soil functional resistance and stability are linked to different ecosystem properties
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    [biblio_sort_title] => Soil functional resistance and stability are linked to different
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    [biblio_abst_e] => The functional resistance and resilience of soils from across the South Island of New Zealand were assessed. Soils were collected from under varying land-uses (pasture, pine forest, native forest) at each of four different locations (Hokitika, Craigieburn, Eyrewell, Orton Bradley Park). Soil function was measured using carbon utilization profiles (MicroResp technique), and responses to freeze-thaw disturbance assessed in a multivariate approach. Resistance was defined as the amount of change in functional profiles (multivariate distance) before, and then 10 h after, disturbance. Resilience was defined as the stability in ecosystem function over time (6 sample points spanning 17 days after initial freeze-thaw disturbance). The functional resistance of soils was not linked to land-use nor sampling location (permanova P > 0.05) but was negatively correlated with soil Olsen-P levels (biological-environmental matching (BIO-ENV test); rho = 0.604, P = 0.04). Secondary factors associated with soil organic matter status were associated with functional resistance in soil of low Olsen-P. This was explicitly tested by repeating the experiment in soils collected from a long-term P fertilizer management trial; functional resistance remained linked to the underlying P status of the soils (P = 0.002). The functional stability of soil (post-disturbance) was associated with long-term rainfall (canonical analysis on principal coordinates - CAP analysis; P = 0.039); soils from high rainfall sites were more stable after disturbance. The results show that variables linked to functional resistance and resilience in soils are different. Furthermore, resilience was not correlated with resistance, or with measures of functional diversity (e. g. evenness of substrate mineralization). Alteration of the P status of soils is likely to impact on the capacity of soils to rapidly respond to disturbance, whereas drivers of climate, such as global warming, may impact soil functional resilience.
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    [biblio_notes] => ISI Document Delivery No.: AL8WR
Times Cited: 1
Cited Reference Count: 38
Wakelin, Steven A. MacDonald, Lynne M. O'Callaghan, Maureen Forrester, Sean T. Condron, Leo M.
Macdonald, Lynne/D-6969-2013
CSIRO Julius Award; New Zealand Foundation for Research Science and Technology [C10X0601]
Kelly Hamonts, Shengjing Shi, and Cary Wesley aided with collection of soil samples. Murray Davis (Scion Research) kindly aided in providing access to Craigieburn forest park. Samples of soil from conservation land were collected under the NZ Department of Conservation National Permit Number CA-26832-GEO. Various C-substrates and CO2 was supplied by Gupta Vadakattu (CSIRO). Stasia Kroker (CSIRO) aided with spectrophotometic analysis. This work was supported by a CSIRO Julius Award (SAW) and the New Zealand Foundation for Research Science and Technology (contract C10X0601). Upali Sarathchandra and Chikako van Koten kindly commented on drafts of this manuscript.
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Wakelin, SA (reprint author), AgResearch Ltd, Ctr Sci, Cnr Springs Rd & Gerald St,Private Bag 4749, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand. [biblio_remote_db_name] => [biblio_remote_db_provider] => [biblio_label] => [biblio_access_date] => [biblio_refereed] => [biblio_md5] => 6aec9161f0fd2005015b0576ff7c1ec6 [biblio_formats] => Array ( [biblio_abst_e] => full_html [biblio_abst_f] => full_html [biblio_notes] => full_html [biblio_research_notes] => full_html [biblio_custom1] => full_html [biblio_custom2] => full_html [biblio_custom3] => full_html [biblio_custom4] => full_html [biblio_custom5] => full_html [biblio_custom6] => full_html [biblio_custom7] => full_html [biblio_coins] => full_html [biblio_auth_address] => full_html ) [biblio_type_name] => Journal Article [biblio_contributors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [nid] => 316 [vid] => 316 [cid] => 49 [auth_type] => 1 [auth_category] => 1 [rank] => 0 [merge_cid] => 0 [aka] => 0 [alt_form] => 0 [drupal_uid] => [name] => Wakelin, S. A. [lastname] => Wakelin [firstname] => S. [prefix] => [suffix] => [initials] => A. [affiliation] => [literal] => 0 [md5] => 8b7aeea95e3ce0d1fe0bb150799963f0 ) [1] => Array ( [nid] => 316 [vid] => 316 [cid] => 50 [auth_type] => 1 [auth_category] => 1 [rank] => 1 [merge_cid] => 0 [aka] => 0 [alt_form] => 0 [drupal_uid] => [name] => Macdonald, L. M. [lastname] => Macdonald [firstname] => L. [prefix] => [suffix] => [initials] => M. [affiliation] => [literal] => 0 [md5] => 6f7582c032b2422a384dbf1931fce1c5 ) [2] => Array ( [nid] => 316 [vid] => 316 [cid] => 382 [auth_type] => 1 [auth_category] => 1 [rank] => 2 [merge_cid] => 0 [aka] => 0 [alt_form] => 0 [drupal_uid] => [name] => O'Callaghan, M. [lastname] => O'Callaghan [firstname] => M. [prefix] => [suffix] => [initials] => [affiliation] => [literal] => 0 [md5] => 8ab32352b0e00f7e35042313ffdf7d66 ) [3] => Array ( [nid] => 316 [vid] => 316 [cid] => 383 [auth_type] => 1 [auth_category] => 1 [rank] => 3 [merge_cid] => 0 [aka] => 0 [alt_form] => 0 [drupal_uid] => [name] => Forrester, S. T. [lastname] => Forrester [firstname] => S. [prefix] => [suffix] => [initials] => T. [affiliation] => [literal] => 0 [md5] => 68c4395fdd04a716c4a38df37a4f3772 ) [4] => Array ( [nid] => 316 [vid] => 316 [cid] => 384 [auth_type] => 1 [auth_category] => 1 [rank] => 4 [merge_cid] => 0 [aka] => 0 [alt_form] => 0 [drupal_uid] => [name] => Condron, L. M. [lastname] => Condron [firstname] => L. [prefix] => [suffix] => [initials] => M. [affiliation] => [literal] => 0 [md5] => 86bc9e5e4b1b7a4b5e21f7f7dbba3a8c ) ) [biblio_keywords] => Array ( [3] => biomass [36] => catabolic diversity [521] => DISTURBANCE [519] => functional stability [29] => microbial communities [21] => MicroResp [520] => PARTIAL LEAST-SQUARES [38] => patterns [167] => phosphorus [35] => physiological profiles [200] => resilience [206] => resistance [522] => SCALE [83] => soil ) [body] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [name] => admin [picture] => 0 [data] => a:14:{s:7:"overlay";i:0;s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:19:"biblio_show_profile";i:0;s:19:"biblio_my_pubs_menu";i:0;s:21:"biblio_contributor_id";s:1:"0";s:22:"biblio_id_change_count";s:1:"0";s:17:"biblio_user_style";s:6:"system";s:18:"biblio_baseopenurl";s:0:"";s:18:"biblio_openurl_sid";s:0:"";s:19:"biblio_crossref_pid";s:0:"";} [entity_view_prepared] => 1 )