Application of MicroResp™ for soil ecotoxicology

TitleApplication of MicroResp™ for soil ecotoxicology
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsWakelin S, Lombi E, Donner E, MacDonald L, Black A, O'Callaghan M
JournalEnvironmental Pollution
Date Published2013/08/01/
ISBN Number0269-7491
KeywordsDose-response, Ecotoxicology, MicroResp, Soil respiration

MicroResp™ is a miniaturised method for measuring substrate induced respiration (SIR) in soil. We modified the MicroResp™ method to develop a rapid tool for quantifying the ecotoxicological impact of contaminants. The method is based on reduction in SIR across a gradient of contaminant, allowing for determination of dose–response curves EC-values. Contaminants are mixed into soil samples at a range of concentrations; each sample is then dispensed into a column of eight wells in 96 well format (deep) plates. Moisture and glucose are added to the samples at levels to provide maximum response. Released CO2 from the soils is then measured using colorimetric gel-traps, following the standard MicroResp™ methodology. Examination revealed that this method works over a range of soil types and is insensitive to minor variations in assay length (2–7 h), alteration of moisture content (±20 μL from optimum), and soil storage conditions (4 °C versus fresh).

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