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He Y, Xu Z, Chen C, Burton J, Ma Q, Ge Y, Xu J.  2008.  Using light fraction and macroaggregate associated organic matters as early indicators for management-induced changes in soil chemical and biological properties in adjacent native and plantation forests of subtropical Australia. Geoderma. 147:116-125.
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Bérard A., Mazzia C., Sappin-Didier V., Capowiez L., Capowiez Y..  2014.  Use of the MicroResp (TM) method to assess Pollution-Induced Community Tolerance in the context of metal soil contamination. Ecological Indicators. 40:27-33.
Tlili A., Marechal M., Montuelle B., Volat B., Dorigo U., Bérard A..  2011.  Use of the MicroResp (TM) method to assess pollution-induced community tolerance to metals for lotic biofilms. Environmental Pollution. 159:18-24.
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McIntosh A.CS, Macdonald S.E, Quideau S.A.  2016.  Understory Plant Community Composition Is Associated with Fine-Scale Above- and Below-Ground Resource Heterogeneity in Mature Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta) Forests. Plos One. 11:17.
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