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Singh BK, Quince C, Macdonald CA, Khachane A, Thomas N, Al-Soud WAbu, Sørensen SJ, He Z, White D, Sinclair A et al..  2014.  Loss of microbial diversity in soils is coincident with reductions in some specialized functions. Environmental Microbiology. 16:2408-2420.
Zhu D.M, Liu Y., Chen J.H, Jiang P.K.  2023.  Long-term successive rotation affects soil microbial resource limitation and carbon use efficiency in Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) monoculture plantations. Forest Ecology and Management. 540:10.
Wakelin S.A, Condron L.M, Gerard E., Dignam B.EA, Black A., O'Callaghan M..  2017.  Long-term P fertilisation of pasture soil did not increase soil organic matter stocks but increased microbial biomass and activity. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 53:511-521.
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Orozco-Aceves M., Standish R.J, Tibbett M..  2015.  Long-term conditioning of soil by plantation eucalypts and pines does not affect growth of the native jarrah tree. Forest Ecology and Management. 338:92-99.
Campbell C.D, Cameron C.M, Bastias B.A, Chen C.R, Cairney J.WG.  2008.  Long term repeated burning in a wet sclerophyll forest reduces fungal and bacterial biomass and responses to carbon substrates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 40:2246-2252.
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Liu S.E, Plaza C., Ochoa-Hueso R., Trivedi C., Wang J.T, Trivedi P., Zhou G.Y, Pineiro J., Martins C.SC, Singh B.K et al..  2023.  Litter and soil biodiversity jointly drive ecosystem functions. Global Change Biology. :10.
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Zhao Y.Z, Liang C.F, Shao S., Chen J.H, Qin H., Xu Q.F.  2021.  Linkages of litter and soil C:N:P stoichiometry with soil microbial resource limitation and community structure in a subtropical broadleaf forest invaded by Moso bamboo. Plant and Soil. :18.
McIntosh ACS, S. Macdonald E, Quideau SA.  2013.  Linkages between the forest floor microbial community and resource heterogeneity within mature lodgepole pine forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 63:61-72.
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Azziz G., Frade C., Igual J.M, del Pino A., Lezama F., Valverde A..  2023.  Legume Overseeding and P Fertilization Increases Microbial Activity and Decreases the Relative Abundance of AM Fungi in Pampas Natural Pastures. Microorganisms. 11:14.
Hoeffner K, Beylich A, Chabbi A, Cluzeau D, Dascalu D, Graefe U, Guzmán G, Hallaire V, Hanisch J, Landa BB et al..  2021.  Legacy effects of temporary grassland in annual crop rotation on soil ecosystem services. Science of The Total Environment. 780:146140.
Smith T.P, Mombrikotb S., Ransome E., Kontopoulos D.G, Pawar S., Bell T..  2022.  Latent functional diversity may accelerate microbial community responses to temperature fluctuations. ElifeElife. 11:22.
Kostin JE, Cesarz S, Lochner A, Schädler M, Macdonald CA, Eisenhauer N.  2021.  Land-use drives the temporal stability and magnitude of soil microbial functions and modulates climate effects. Ecological Applications. 31:e02325.
MacKenzie M.D, Quideau S.A.  2012.  Laboratory-based nitrogen mineralization and biogeochemistry of two soils used in oil sands reclamation. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 92:131-142.