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Liu H.W, Carvalhais L.C, Schenk P.M, Dennis P.G.  2017.  Effects of jasmonic acid signalling on the wheat microbiome differ between body sites. Scientific Reports. 7:8.
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Cui H.Y, Vitousek P.M, Reed S.C, Sokoya B., Bamigboye A.R, Mukherjee A., Penaloza-Bojaca G.FP, Teixido A.L, Trivedi P., He J.Z et al..  2022.  Environmental filtering controls soil biodiversity in wet tropical ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 166:9.
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Addison S.L, Smaill S.J, Garrett L.G, Wakelin S.A.  2021.  Fertiliser use has multi-decadal effects on microbial diversity and functionality of forest soils. Applied Soil Ecology. 163:8.
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