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Tucker C.L, Tamang S., Pendall E., Ogle K..  2016.  Shallow snowpack inhibits soil respiration in sagebrush steppe through multiple biotic and abiotic mechanisms. Ecosphere. 7:18.
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Bérard A., Ben Sassi M., Renault P., Gros R..  2012.  Severe drought-induced community tolerance to heat wave. An experimental study on soil microbial processes. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 12:513-518.
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Fernández-Gómez MJ, Nogales R, Insam H, Romero E, Goberna M.  2011.  Role of vermicompost chemical composition, microbial functional diversity, and fungal community structure in their microbial respiratory response to three pesticides. Bioresource Technology. 102:9638-9645.
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Bérard A., Bouchet T., Sevenier G., Pablo A.L, Gros R..  2011.  Resilience of soil microbial communities impacted by severe drought and high temperature in the context of Mediterranean heat waves. European Journal of Soil Biology. 47:333-342.