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Banning N.C, Lalor B.M, Cookson W.R, Grigg A.H, Murphy D.V.  2012.  Analysis of soil microbial community level physiological profiles in native and post-mining rehabilitation forest: Which substrates discriminate? Applied Soil Ecology. 56:27-34.
de Varennes A., Cunha-Queda C., Qu G.W.  2010.  Amendment of an Acid Mine Soil with Compost and Polyacrylate Polymers Enhances Enzymatic Activities but may Change the Distribution of Plant Species. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 208:91-100.
Humberto A, Wence H, Clare C, Helaina B, Sebastian M, Jorge P, Yasna T, Pablo C.  2020.  Alteration of enzyme activities and functional diversity of a soil contaminated with copper and arsenic. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 192:110264.
Zhang L, Peng Y, Zhou J, George TS, Feng G.  2020.  Addition of fructose to the maize hyphosphere increases phosphatase activity by changing bacterial community structure. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 142:107724.
Ramezanian A, A. Dahlin S, Campbell CD, Hillier S, Mannerstedt-Fogelfors B, born IÖ.  2013.  Addition of a volcanic rockdust to soils has no observable effects on plant yield and nutrient status or on soil microbial activity. Plant and Soil. 367:419-436.
Sayer E.J, Crawford J.A, Edgerley J., Askew A.P, Hahn C.Z, Whitlock R., Dodd I.C.  2021.  Adaptation to chronic drought modifies soil microbial community responses to phytohormones. Communications Biology. 4:9.
Smaill S.J, Garrett L.G, Addison S.L.  2023.  Accelerator trial series in Pinus radiata stands in New Zealand: Trial establishment, site description and initial soil, forest floor and tree data. Data in Brief. 47:12.
Nwaishi F, Petrone RM, Macrae ML, Price JS, Strack M, Slawson R, Andersen R.  2016.  Above and below-ground nutrient cycling: a criteria for assessing the biogeochemical functioning of a constructed fen. Applied Soil Ecology. 98:177-194.
Sherman C., Marais E., Maggs-Kolling G., Adams J., Steinberger Y..  2019.  Abiotic and plant gender effects on the structure and function of soil microbial communities associated with Acanthosicyos horridus (Nara) in the Namibian sand-dune desert ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments. 163:50-58.