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Ramezanian A, A. Dahlin S, Campbell CD, Hillier S, Mannerstedt-Fogelfors B, born IÖ.  2013.  Addition of a volcanic rockdust to soils has no observable effects on plant yield and nutrient status or on soil microbial activity. Plant and Soil. 367:419-436.
García-Palacios P, Milla R, lvaro-Sánchez MÁ, Martín-Robles N, Maestro M.  2013.  Application of a high-throughput laboratory method to assess litter decomposition rates in multiple-species experiments. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 57:929-932.
Wakelin S, Lombi E, Donner E, MacDonald L, Black A, O'Callaghan M.  2013.  Application of MicroResp™ for soil ecotoxicology. Environmental Pollution. 179:177-184.
Delgado-Baquerizo M., Morillas L., Maestre F.T, Gallardo A..  2013.  Biocrusts control the nitrogen dynamics and microbial functional diversity of semi-arid soils in response to nutrient additions. Plant and Soil. 372:643-654.
Sradnick A, Murugan R, Oltmanns M, Raupp J, Joergensen RGeorg.  2013.  Changes in functional diversity of the soil microbial community in a heterogeneous sandy soil after long-term fertilization with cattle manure and mineral fertilizer. Applied Soil Ecology. 63:23-28.
Johansen A, Carter MS, Jensen ES, Hauggard-Nielsen H, Ambus P.  2013.  Effects of digestate from anaerobically digested cattle slurry and plant materials on soil microbial community and emission of CO2 and N2O. Applied Soil Ecology. 63:36-44.
Boudiaf I., Baudoin E., Sanguin H., Beddiar A., Thioulouse J., Galiana A., Prin Y., Le Roux C., Lebrun M., Duponnois R..  2013.  The exotic legume tree species, Acacia mearnsii, alters microbial soil functionalities and the early development of a native tree species, Quercus suber, in North Africa. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 65:172-179.
Cowie A.L, Lonergan V.E, Rabbi S.MF, Fornasier F., Macdonald C., Harden S., Kawasaki A., Singh B.K.  2013.  Impact of carbon farming practices on soil carbon in northern New South Wales. Soil Research. 51:707-718.
Renault P., Ben-Sassi M., Bérard A..  2013.  Improving the MicroResp (TM) substrate-induced respiration method by a more complete description of CO2 behavior in closed incubation wells. Geoderma. 207:82-91.
Renault P., Ben-Sassi M., Bérard A..  2013.  Improving the MicroResp™ substrate-induced respiration method by a more complete description of CO2 behavior in closed incubation wells. Geoderma. 207:82-91.
McIntosh ACS, S. Macdonald E, Quideau SA.  2013.  Linkages between the forest floor microbial community and resource heterogeneity within mature lodgepole pine forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 63:61-72.
Ge T, Chen X, Yuan H, Li B, Zhu H, Peng P, Li K, Jones DL, Wu J.  2013.  Microbial biomass, activity, and community structure in horticultural soils under conventional and organic management strategies. European Journal of Soil Biology. 58:122-128.
Roberts WM, Matthews RA, Blackwell MSA, Peukert S, Collins AL, Stutter MI, Haygarth PM.  2013.  Microbial biomass phosphorus contributions to phosphorus solubility in riparian vegetated buffer strip soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 49:1237-1241.
Brackin R., Robinson N., Lakshmanan P., Schmidt S..  2013.  Microbial function in adjacent subtropical forest and agricultural soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 57:68-77.
Swallow M, Quideau SA.  2013.  Moisture effects on microbial communities in boreal forest floors are stand-dependent. Applied Soil Ecology. 63:120-126.
Andersen R., Wells C., Macrae M., Price J..  2013.  Nutrient mineralisation and microbial functional diversity in a restored bog approach natural conditions 10 years post restoration. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 64:37-47.
Nie M, Pendall E, Bell C, Gasch CK, Raut S, Tamang S, Wallenstein MD.  2013.  Positive climate feedbacks of soil microbial communities in a semi-arid grassland. Ecology Letters. 16:234-241.
Lerch T.Z, Coucheney E., Herrmann A.M.  2013.  Sensitivity of soil microbial catabolic profiles to a gradient of carbon inputs: Does the soil organic matter matter? Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 57:911-915.
Hahn A.S, Quideau S.A.  2013.  Shifts in soil microbial community biomass and resource utilization along a Canadian glacier chronosequence. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 93:305-318.
McIntosh A.CS, Macdonald S.E.  2013.  Short-term resistance of ecosystem properties and processes to simulated mountain pine beetle attack in a novel region. Ecosphere. 4:28.