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2014. Soil substrate utilization pattern and relation of functional evenness of plant groups and soil microbial community in five low mountain NATURA 2000. Plant and Soil. 383:275-289.
2014. Towards climate-resilient restoration in mesic eucalypt woodlands: characterizing topsoil biophysical condition in different degradation states. Plant and Soil. 383:231-244.
2014. Use of the MicroResp (TM) method to assess Pollution-Induced Community Tolerance in the context of metal soil contamination. Ecological Indicators. 40:27-33.
2014. Use of the MicroResp™ method to assess Pollution-Induced Community Tolerance in the context of metal soil contamination. Ecological Indicators. 40:27-33.
2014. Addition of a volcanic rockdust to soils has no observable effects on plant yield and nutrient status or on soil microbial activity. Plant and Soil. 367:419-436.
2013. Application of a high-throughput laboratory method to assess litter decomposition rates in multiple-species experiments. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 57:929-932.
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2013. Biocrusts control the nitrogen dynamics and microbial functional diversity of semi-arid soils in response to nutrient additions. Plant and Soil. 372:643-654.
2013. Changes in functional diversity of the soil microbial community in a heterogeneous sandy soil after long-term fertilization with cattle manure and mineral fertilizer. Applied Soil Ecology. 63:23-28.
2013. Effects of digestate from anaerobically digested cattle slurry and plant materials on soil microbial community and emission of CO2 and N2O. Applied Soil Ecology. 63:36-44.
2013. The exotic legume tree species, Acacia mearnsii, alters microbial soil functionalities and the early development of a native tree species, Quercus suber, in North Africa. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 65:172-179.
2013. Impact of carbon farming practices on soil carbon in northern New South Wales. Soil Research. 51:707-718.
2013. Improving the MicroResp (TM) substrate-induced respiration method by a more complete description of CO2 behavior in closed incubation wells. Geoderma. 207:82-91.
2013. Improving the MicroResp™ substrate-induced respiration method by a more complete description of CO2 behavior in closed incubation wells. Geoderma. 207:82-91.
2013. Linkages between the forest floor microbial community and resource heterogeneity within mature lodgepole pine forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 63:61-72.
2013. Microbial biomass, activity, and community structure in horticultural soils under conventional and organic management strategies. European Journal of Soil Biology. 58:122-128.
2013. Microbial biomass phosphorus contributions to phosphorus solubility in riparian vegetated buffer strip soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 49:1237-1241.
2013. Microbial function in adjacent subtropical forest and agricultural soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 57:68-77.
2013. Moisture effects on microbial communities in boreal forest floors are stand-dependent. Applied Soil Ecology. 63:120-126.
2013. Nutrient mineralisation and microbial functional diversity in a restored bog approach natural conditions 10 years post restoration. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 64:37-47.
2013. Positive climate feedbacks of soil microbial communities in a semi-arid grassland. Ecology Letters. 16:234-241.
2013. Sensitivity of soil microbial catabolic profiles to a gradient of carbon inputs: Does the soil organic matter matter? Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 57:911-915.
2013. Shifts in soil microbial community biomass and resource utilization along a Canadian glacier chronosequence. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 93:305-318.
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