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2021. Land-use drives the temporal stability and magnitude of soil microbial functions and modulates climate effects. Ecological Applications. 31:e02325.
2021. Legacy effects of temporary grassland in annual crop rotation on soil ecosystem services. Science of The Total Environment. 780:146140.
2021. Linkages of litter and soil C:N:P stoichiometry with soil microbial resource limitation and community structure in a subtropical broadleaf forest invaded by Moso bamboo. Plant and Soil. :18.
2021. Microbial carbon source utilization in rice rhizosphere soil with different tillage practice in a double cropping rice field. Scientific Reports. 11:9.
2021. Microplastic Shape, Polymer Type, and Concentration Affect Soil Properties and Plant Biomass. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12:14.
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2021. Pathogen-Induced Tree Mortality Modifies Key Components of the C and N Cycles with No Changes on Microbial Functional Diversity. Ecosystems. 24:451-466.
2021. Potential for suppression of Rhizoctonia root rot is influenced by nutrient (N and P) and carbon inputs in a highly calcareous coarse-textured topsoil. Soil Research. :-.
2021. Resistance and Resilience of Soil Nitrogen Cycling to Drought and Heat Stress in Rehabilitated Urban Soils. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12:14.
2021. Response of soil microbial functionality and soil properties to environmental plantings across a chronosequence in south eastern Australia. Applied Soil Ecology. 168:13.
2021. The response of soil multi-functionality to agricultural management practices can be predicted by key soil abiotic and biotic properties. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 307:13.
2021. Seasonal effects of altered precipitation regimes on ecosystem-level CO2 fluxes and their drivers in a grassland from Eastern Australia. Plant and Soil. 460:435-451.
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2021. Shifts in soil and plant functional diversity along an altitudinal gradient in the French Alps. Bmc Research Notes. 14:4.
2021. Short-Term Effect of Biochar on Microbial Biomass, Respiration and Enzymatic Activities in Wastewater Irrigated Soils in Urban Agroecosystems of the West African Savannah. Agronomy-Basel. 11:15.
2021. Soil fungal diversity and functionality are driven by plant species used in phytoremediation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 153:12.
2021. Soil microbial activity along an altitudinal gradient: Vegetation as a main driver beyond topographic and edaphic factors. Applied Soil Ecology. 168:12.
2021. Spatial distribution of soil microbial activity and soil properties associated with Eucalyptus and Acacia plantings in NSW, Australia. Soil Research. 59:609-618.
2021. Spatial heterogeneity of soil quality within a Mediterranean alley cropping agroforestry system: Comparison with a monocropping system. European Journal of Soil Biology. 105:10.
2021. Standing Vegetation Exceeds Soil Microbial Communities in Soil Type Indication: A Procrustes Test of Four Salt-Affected Pastures. Agronomy-Basel. 11:12.
2021. Systematic variation in the temperature dependence of bacterial carbon use efficiency. Ecology Letters. 24:2123-2133.
2021. Tree species richness and water availability interact to affect soil microbial processes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 155:12.
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